GOAL G - SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT? . THE COLLEGE WILL DEVOTE A PORTION OF ITS RESOURCES TO THE SPONSOR- SHIP OF LEARNING ACTIVITIES WHICH ARE DIRECTED TO THE BETTERMENT OF THE COMMUNITY AT LARGE. THE COLLEGE WILL ESTABLISH AND MAINTAIN RELATIONSHIPS WITH OUTSIDE AGENCIES THROUGH THE PROVISION OF COMPLEMENTARY AND JOINT EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS AND SUPPORT SERVICES. OBJECTIVE G:1 To co-ordinate College programs and activities with those of other educational institutions. : G:1:1 - To participate in the Lower Mainland Co-operative Planning Group. G:12:2 - To continue to participate in College regional educational and inter-agency co-ordinating endeavours. OBJECTIVE G:2 G:2:1 - To make College facilities available for community use. Gt2:2 - To provide personnel to assist community agencies and organizations to plan and carry out their athletic, cultural, and social activities, as required, at the College. G:2:3 - To provide recreational and cultural activities for students in co-operation with the student society. OBJECTIVE G:3 To provide educational services to international students. G:3:1 - To provide courses and programs on a contract, cost recovery basis to international students. G:3:2 - To establish links elit Canadian co-ordinating and funding agencies such as C.!.D.A. and C.B.1.E. G:3:3 - To establish links with schools, colleges, and univer- sities in other countries. ACTIVITY STATEMENTS: | REF. STATEMENT DATE G:1:1 1. To participate in the activities of the ON-GOING Lower Mainland Co-operative Planning Group.