(4) 1nrRopucrion (2) REGISTRATION (3) PaRrTicparron DOUGLAS COLLECE Lp Canadian @ ARCHIVES — Urban Bikeway Design yew Competition fed GUIDELINES. CUBDC HEADQUARTERS University of Toronto, Faculty of Forestry, 203 College Sti., Toronto, Ontario. M5S 1A1 Tel. (416) 928-8753 m We are pieased to announce the commencement of a & federally sponsored, Canada wide project organized f to stimulate interest in bikeway planning and to H encourage the widespread exchange of ideas and f information with regard to the planning, design mW and implementation of bikeways. We call the project @ the Canadian Urban Bikeway Design Competition ( CUBDC ) and we invite anyone interested to B participate. k To enter the Canadian Urban Bikeway Design Competition mM you must first register with us. Please fill out H the attached registration form, or if for some fH reason you do not have a form, simply write us.a letter. In order to partially defray the postage Hj and production costs of material which you will He receive after you have registered, we must request fa $2.00 registration fee. i Through the competition format of the CUBDC we H}encourage individuals or teams from across Canada —m to seriously consider bikeway planning. Anyone can | participate including individuals and private or Mcommunity groups, professionals in private practice or government and students at either the secondary wor post-secondary level. Uo. ,