\NHAT IS A STUDENT-ORIENTED TEACHER? albert d. roy, jr. It is often said that one of the major characteristics of a two-year college teacher is that he is student- oriented. Yet, the meaning of ‘‘stu- dent-oriented” is hardly ever made explicit. It is my purpose to list some of the characteristics of the student- oriented two-year college teacher. You are invited to add to my list. The student-oriented — two-year college teacher will probably dis- play some of the following charac- teristics: 1. He arrives at his classroom before his first student enters and leaves his classroom with the last student who departs. 2. He attends student activities and serves as « class or club advisor. 3. He colle: ts student assignments, makes constructive comments on these assignments, and returns as- signments and examinations to the class following the one in which they were collected. 4. He is careful to provide his students with many successful learn- ing experiences. 5. He knows his students by name and is familiar with their entering characteristics. 6. He is more likely to be found in the student lounge than in the faculty lounge. 7. He perceives the material he teaches from his students’ point of view. 8. He pauses with expectation after he says, ‘Are there any ques- tions?” 9. He perceives his students as being ABLE rather than UNABLE. 10. He encourages students to visit his office and he gives them his undivided attention when they do. He is a helper. 11. He answers questions in a “one to one” situation with the techniques of a skilled counselor. 12. He complains more about his inability to communicate than his students’ inability to learn. 13. He varies his classroom pro- cedures and he commits his students to a variety of learning experiences. 14. He strives to make the learn- ing experiences of his students per- sonally meaningful. 15. He keeps the interest of stu- dents in mind when he serves on faculty committees. 16. He is available for student advisement in the area of his exper- tise. 17. He refers students who are in need of special assistance to the Office of Student Personnel. "It is often said that one of the major char- acteristics of a two- year college teacher is that he is student- oriented.” 18. He believes in the worth and the dignity of every human being and relates to his students on this basis. Obviously, no single two-year college teacher exhibits all of the above characteristics, Also, a student- oriented teacher exhibits many be- haviors not mentioned here. Since being student-oriented is largely a sharing of self, there are probably as many ways of being student- oriented as there are teachers. Oo