Letter to the Editor: Cannibalism 1s fine > An argument for eating each other Klara Woldenga Humour Editor L 2 I’ve been hearing a lot of opposition in regards to allowing people to eat other people. The question gets tossed around a lot: If you had the opportunity, without any consequence, would you eat a person? In underground forums I visit dedicated to connecting florescent crab wig enthusiasts from across the globe, the question of cannibalism is asked every six months or so. Usually, both sides of the argument are properly represented but, in the past year or so, I have noticed a dramatic lean to one side—the side that would not only refuse to eat people, but also shame others who would eat people if given the chance. I feel it’s finally my time to come out of the woodwork, as I firmly believe in cannibalism, and would go so far to say that it would solve a lot of the world’s problems. If we look at the media for five minutes we learn three things: We hate each other, we objectify each other, and we are angrier on an empty stomach. I feel exercising cannibalism has a stronger argument if we keep these factors in mind. I’m not suggesting we eat people we like; that’s stupid. I’m suggesting we simply stick to eating people that we hate and don’t see as people anyway: Cooperate executives, politicians, or upstairs neighbors that refuse to turn their stereo down despite our constant requests. That way, we don't feel bad when we eat them, instead we ll actually feel a lot better. If you're concerned about how to catch your next meal, I wouldn't worry about that either. People sit around all the time—a lot of us barely exercise. We're full of delicious fat and can't run very fast, and thus we're very easy to catch. I would advise against using any artificial weapons though— That’s cheating. We should stick to basic rules if we want cannibalism to work: No artificial weapons, no poisons, and always remember to have fun. This argument for cannibalism is also not a binary one: We wouldn't either eat all or nothing of a person. We would be allowed to take single bites of people. It is my expert, non-medical opinion that one single bite of a person could keep you Illustration by Max Foss going for several hours, energy-wise. | would also not worry about that person getting angry at you for just taking a single bite out of them; people are looking at their phones all the time, so no one will notice if you take a nibble out of their arm when you're hungry. Before my word count runs out, I would like to address a concern that gets expressed to me whenever I discuss my point of view: What do we do with the vegetarians, vegans, or people who would simply refuse to eat people when the law is enforced at gun point? First off, vegans and vegetarians don't exist, and are simply a creation of the media, just like CrossFit and eggnog (CrossFit is physically impossible, and eggnog is simply too thick for human consumption, wake up people). It’s not possible to abstain from eating other living things and survive or be happy. Second, people who don’t want to eat people simply haven't heard my argument. I can’t be everywhere at once—that’s a lot of pressure—but, we'll get there. Until then, you can help take a bite out of cannibal discrimination by signing the pro-cannibalism petition at: http://www.eatyourheartout.com. ‘The suburban '90s moms were right’ > Magic: Gathering, Dungeons and Dragons actually ‘super evil’ Greg Waldock Staff Writer I? a surprise twist last Monday, tabletop gaming giant Wizards of the Coast announced that Magic: The Gathering, Dungeons and Dragons, and countless other products were designed to summon demons into the homes of customers everywhere. Suspected by suburban moms, orthodox church pastors, and Fox News since the 1990s, it has now been revealed that the games do in fact contain hidden messages, depictions of blood rituals, the number of the beast, and other satanic references in an attempt to appease Lucifer himself. Wizards of the Coast’s founder, Peter Adkison, confessed this shocking revelation when confronted by a concerned citizen on live television demanding to know why 20-sided dice look vaguely like pentagrams. “Whoops! Ya got me,” said Adkison. “We were totally into the whole Satan thing for a while there. I just really hate non-Catholic churches, small towns, and nuclear families.” He then rolled his eyes back and began chanting Latin backwards, vindicating fear mongers everywhere. Satan, an avid member of the MTG tournament community, leapt from his table during his match and immediately began possessing children across North America, forcing them to murder, steal, blaspheme, and play blue mill decks. The crisis stopped when a concerned citizen, Carol Lahey, splashed holy water on Adkison, and then gave an impassioned speech on the dangers of “Oriental occultism.” Adkison, defeated, went home to plot the next decade of diabolical scheming. In an interview after the fact, Adkison said, “I just have no idea how people didn’t see it before. Did no one read the chapter of the Bible that explicitly warns about pentagrams, the number 666, witchcraft, and communism?” Wizards of the Coast will suffer no legal repercussions, as it’s not technically a crime to summon the Prince of Darkness, but Satan himself was disqualified from his tournament for vaporizing a judge. The dangers of Satanism in gaming have been known since the late 1980s, when fantasy games began drawing on artwork and characters from European interpretations of non-monotheistic religions as a way of conveying fear and danger to players. At least, that’s what the world at large thought, until the events of that fateful Monday. After Adkison’s public attempt to destroy the moral fabric of America, Wizards of the Coast quickly confessed with a prepared apology, stating that the original Magic: The Gathering rule book was discovered in 1984 soaked in goat blood underneath an Irish monastery. “We thought it was written in an ancient form of Gaelic, but it turns out Banding was just really complicated,” the company revealed. Marilyn Manson, members of Metallica, and other representatives of the metal community issued a statement saying they were “disappointed that the brilliant ‘turn people into Satanists through children’s card games using imagery never associated with the Devil until after World War 2’ plan somehow didn’t work,” but stated that “We’ve still got big plans for pure, hapless Middle America. All metal albums this year come with a free upside-down cross and a pack of tarot cards!” Photo illustration by Lauren Kelly