INTERPO ANTICS | Travis Paterson, OP Contributor “This is a concept This is a bracelet This isn’t no intervention” Interpol, whose lyrics were at one time criticized for a lack of flow and meaning, have surprised critics with their September release of Antics, which won them Artist of the Year at New York City’s Plug awards on Feb 10. The web-based vot- ing Plug Awards recognizes artists, labels, publications, retailers, and bloggers that strengthen the independent community. Last weekend I managed to hit Interpol’s “all-ages” show at the Paramount in Seattle. I had seen them once before—when they played the Commodore Ballroom back on Oct 23, and I sur- prised myself by standing Apparently Ametican crowd came v “all-ages” means, “gather to the three hours in the freezing-cold, pissing rain— — front, sober little children, and watch the show Ribbon partner in crime and they had definitely merited a second show. _ like it’s on television so we can ruin it for the vis gonna jump, you have to g Hence the luxurious three-hour drive to Seattle. iting Canadians in their drunken stupor.” I hadn’t which he appropriately re Also luxurious was the six-pack of Pabst Blue — been to the Paramount Theater in Seattle before, his middle finger in a fi j ce - — > mie 2 a z 4 £ : Ribbon for only five bucks. Beat that, Canada. but I knew it was a legendary venue, the Emerald Indeed, he was the only Before I go on, Id like to describe an “all- City’s equivalent to the Commodore Ballroom. begged the question to th ages” show as an absolute horror of an idea. ‘The ceiling and walls are ornate with turn-of-the- show: Why were you at th century mouldings, The glumster band ¢ reminding me of my youth, when I travelled to Versailles. With great sound and a massive floor, the Paramount is a first-class joint and a perfect host venue for any show, particularly the strapping and well- groomed gentlemen of Interpol. They ripped off a solid set in true New York fashion, a blitzkrieg of strobes silhouetting the stage with their inter- national mystique. A highlight of the formed in 1998 at New guitarist Daniel Kessler Dengler in a history class. Banks during a stay in Parig touch, they ran into each ¢ New York a couple of y became the front man for { up the name from a one-tir who would refer to him as No singles from Ay Billboard charts in the UJ ished at 15 on the Billboar charts. Most recently, Interpc Daniel remix of “Slow Hi Tsunami Relief double-di Among others on the CI Cutie, Wilco, and Franz Fe FEBRUARY 23/2005