pe ‘Dear Angeline: Starting this edition of the Other Press we will be adding an advice column. All readers are welcome to write with your concerns, ideas, panes. or anyting you want to talk about. All letters will be kept anonymous, but if you wish to use an alternate name feel free to do so. Any per- sonal input would be greatly appreciated. Angeline will be your advice columnist. She has a back- ground in counseling and communications, and enjoys working with people. She will address your concerns and topics of interest in each issue of the Other Press. All letters can be dropped off at the Other Press Rm. 1020. There will be a special slot in the door for Angeline’s col- umn. We look forward to hearing from you! Dear Angeline: a8 boyfriend is moving to California next week and al- though we've been only dat- ing for 2 months, I feel very strongly towards him and I know he feels the same way towards me. We want to try a long distance relationship, though we know it will be very difficult. I often have doubts as to whether we can make this work, but I don’t want to lose him. Any sug- gestions? Signed, - Left Alone. Dear Left Alone: It sounds like you’ve given some thought to your rela- tionship with your boyfriend. Now, your next step is deal- ing with the feelings and anxi- eties that go eee along distance relationship. Discuss- ing these concerns with him before his departure should help alleviate some of your worries. It also wouldn't be a bad idea to plan a meeting schedule in advance. In do- ing so, you will be more at: ease with yourself. If you be- lieve in this relationship then go with your heart and give it some time. Time will tell whether you will be success- . in maintaining al rela- tionship. Good luck! Dear Angeline: one I broke ue with my boyfriend (twice) because he wasn't willing to commit to the relationship. The problem is that he ends up calling me up again and I take him back everytime. I care about him, but his lack of commitment hurts me. What should I do? Crying Myself to Sleep Dear Crying Myself to Sleep: If you've made a decision to not continue your relationship with your boyfriend, then you need to follow through. Sometimes it’s hard initial when you break up wit someone to deal with all the feelings that are left behind. But if you give yourself some time and space away from your boyfriend it could give you a clearer picture. Answer- ing his calls will only make you more confused, by regen- erating old feelings that need to be dealt with. After allot- ting some time away, if you come to the conclusion that you would like to give him another chance then you need to discuss his lack of commit- . ment with him. If he is still not willing to commit to the relationship, then you need to make a decision as to whether that is acceptable to you or whether you'd like to move on. Dear Angeline: I've lived with my roommate for almost two years. Last week, he admitted to me that he is gay. I'm unsure how I feel about this, and don't know if I feel comfortable living with an actively gay man. What should I ane - Signed, Phobic? Dear Phobic: Your fear and confusion isn't unusual. Many people auto- matically fear that which they do not understand. Remem- ber that your roommate is the same person you've known for the last two years. Address your concerns with your roommate, and you'll feel bet- ter about it. If you're con- cerned about him having feel- ings for you, think about this: You've lived with him for two years. If he was going to make a pass at you, he most likely would have before now. Once again, the answer is, simply, scuss it with him. 25 Courses and 974. Multiple Choice Questions The Last Thing You Want Is Another Number. You see, it's the number of the CMA. And in today’s competitive job market, career in Management Accounting. 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