page four Pierre Trudeau’s two-hour speech in the House ot Commons, Monday, offered insults to the people of Canada who protest unilateral patriation of the constitution or entrenchment of the charter of rights. A rather presumptuous position for one supposed to represent the people. : Protests against the proposed charter of rights have been heard from every corner of the population. Indians, women, minority groups and eight out of ten heard. The Liberals are proposing the constitutional debates ‘be wrapped up in a four day sitting where each MP would be allotted 20 minutes to speak. Of course, Trudeau made sure that he had two hours to crank out all his views. And any criticisms made by the MP’s will likely receive little attention from the Liberals. “‘keeping Canada a colony a little longer.’’ Of course this is not true. Every Canadian would prefer to have the constitution tucked safely away in a Canadian cupboard. But, patriation of the constitution and entrenchment of the bill of rights should be a group effort, not a one-man escapade. ‘ When Trudeau refers to criticisms as ‘‘all the cliches we have heard from day one,’’ he is only breeding the separatism he-'claims to feel so strongly against. Why should people bother to speak up when their words are branded as mistakes before they are even -heard? And the less people are heard, the more they will look towards other directions which could allow them some self-determination. giving Trudeau such a wide seat of power. provincial premiers are among those wanting to be Trudeau claims his opponents are interested in The Other Press letters March 26, 1981 Swift kick in the ass Dear Mr. Hunter: If satire is to become your chosen method, I respect- fully suggest you study the past masters (Erasmus, Pope, thurber, Orwell, Moliere, Twain -- the list is lengthy), otherwise, it will be you falling into traps, not I!! A good satirist provokes thought, and he need not insult his audience to do so; a severe mistake for any writer to make, and one that unsually comes about as a result of over-estimating one’s writing ability. As for considering your piece a gem of humorous subtlety, well now that’s really stretching things! You were closer the first time when you called it ‘‘a stupid piece of prose’’. A mediocre attempt to cover your ass, but as far as I’m concerned it’s still in full view and just begging for a good, swift kick!! Kate Squibb Ouch Dear Kate: Ouch! Your point is well taken, however, I think the term ‘‘cover your ass’’ could be used correctly in your case too. Your initial insenced reac- tion to ‘‘my stupid piece of prose’ made your lack of humor quite obvious. Now, to say that ‘my writing ability is not up to par with Pope or Twain is fair asses- ment--this is like comparing the Other Press to the New York Times. However you made it very clear in your first letter that my streatched subtlety had pro- voked your thoughts, war- ped though they be. Personal attacks have ne- ver been my forte Kate, but as this seems to be ‘‘your chosen method’’, perhaps you should join the Other Press. If you are ‘‘your idea of a thinking, breathing, dynamic student, then yes, (perhaps) you can do bet- ter!! Ian Hunter T.N.D.C. Dear Editor: It has come to our atten- tion that a letter which appeared in your last edi- tion was signed by a mem- ber of good standing of the Thursday Night Discussion Club (T.N.D.C.) We would like to clarify any possible mis-conception as to our official position. The T.N.D.C, does not officially endorse any particular posi- tion receive our full empa- thy (included in our club is a science student, even). Any persons of all viewpoints are welcome at our illustrious meetings. i Marj Naylor (pres.) Al Hatten (treas.) - Glynnis Shéarer (sec.) Mike Kennedy Mike Newsham Kim Manning Phil Matthews Dan Gault Ely Popodopolus Bill Scales Rob Guzyk Donna Forbes P.S. Bring the price of a round. Perhaps the only genuine mistake of the people was © "| \A5 @lING TY ee A CAMPUS RADIUAL BUT IT LOOKED ye NY BAO ON RESUME Yourself “join the Other Press team” - weneed other people, Call 525-354 2 photographers, reporters, layout artists, cartoonists,