—4 of the College over the next five years. This document has already been provided to the College community and will be tabled for information with the Board via the Edu- cation and Services Committee at its next meeting. D. INTERNAL MATTERS - LABOUR RELATIONS Negotiations are ongoing with the Douglas Kwantlen Faculty Association and the B.C. Government Employees Union. The Faculty Association has tabled one third-stage grievance with me, which is still under con- sideration. E. INTERNAL MATTERS - GENERAL The Deans, the Bursar and I, met with Dr. E. Wales yesterday to discuss general ap- proaches to our next institutional self- evaluation. The meeting was highly success- ful, and will be the first of a number of such consultations. We intend that our next institutional evaluation will be plan- ned well in advance. B. I have held workshops with the administra- tion regarding our current budget status. Mr. Morfey has tabled documents with the Management Committee giving forecasts re- garding next year, as well as an assessment of our current budget status. In addition, I have a meeting with all ex- cluded personnel, in order to discuss their working conditions and remuneration. In approximately one month's time, I expect to be able to offer recommendations to the Board regarding excluded personnel over the next year. The highlight of the month clear] College Opening and the Open House. Both events seem to have been viewed by the general public as outstandingly successful, due to the effort put into these events by staff, faculty, students and members of the administration. y was the It was a pleasure yesterday to welcome Bob Corbett to our staff. Bob replaces Cal Barber as Personnel Officer. Mad Hatter Page 8 College Parking ae Reminder ! Please be reminded that it is necessary to use the card pass to enter the parking garage, in order to have the card pass op- erate the gate to exit the parking garage. By inserting the card into the cardtrol machine when entering the garage, the ma- chine has a memory that you have entered. This allows the ‘read’ when exiting to raise the gate. West Graydon Summer Parking (excerpt from letter from Imperial Parking Ltd., dated March 24, 1983) Imperial Parking realizes that the majority of parkers will be terminating their park- jng agreement (at Douglas College) effect- ive April 30, 1983. To accomodate these people, we will forfeit the required calendar months written notice and put a cancellation date of April 30, 1983 on everyones account. Customers that wish to extend their park- ing beyond April 30, 1983 are asked to confirm so in writing, accompanied by a cheque or money order for the semester or the first months rent. The rates will remain as follows: $48 per Semester $15 per Month Imperial Parking will be issuing refunds from the attendants booth on April 28 and 29 only. All other refunds will have to be done through the mail. If you have any questions with regards to the above, please contact our office at your earliest convenience. (Tel: 681-7311) Pat McCue Rental Dept.