The question of CFF dues led to a general discussion on the subject of Association policies regarding dues collected from part-time people. a pro-rated basis, from part-time people. Some Associations are collecting dues, on Bill Schermbrucker, as Chairman of the Salary and Working Con- ditions Committee was asked to look into the practice of the collecting of dues from part-time members; however, it was dis- covered that the information was available at this meeting. Each director was then asked to comment on his Association's policy. The results are tabulated below, excepting Cariboo, Camosun and Douglas from which there was no information avail- able at this time. __COLLEGE Selkirk FEES $60 1974 FACULTY ASSOCIATION MEMBERSHIP FEES STATUS OF PART-TIME MEMBERS Same as CNC vec $84 Association bargains for part-time peo- ple; dues for them are pro-rated; full voting rights; Association also has a social membership available, which membership currently includes some members of the Administration. OKANAGAN $70 Minimal $5 fee; associate membership; Association does not bargain for part- time people. CNC $35 No associate memberships; Association does bargain for part-time people. CAPILANO $100 Same as VCC, but no social memberships; also, half of the fee to be set aside for Collective Bargaining contingency reserve. MALASPINA $30 part-time personnel hold full member- ship and pay full fees; Association does bargain for them. Because of the wide variation indicated in the table, it was felt necessary that the Salary and Working Conditions Com- mittee examine the relationship between part-time instructors and their Associations.