WOMEN'S PAGE WOMEN'S PAGE WOMEN'S PAGE WOMEN'S PAGE See the results:of one letter!! TRAIN SET ADS 'LIBERATED' MINNEAPOLIS, Minn. (AP) - The feminist movement claimed a small victory recently when a U.S. television campaign was launched to sell Lionel trains to girls. | Lionel trains are manufactured by Fundimensions, Mt. Clemens, Hich., a General Mills, Inc., subsidiary, that bought the Lionel line in 1969 . Mike Alber of David 0. Alber Associates, placing the advertising, said it is the first time in the 73-year history of Lionel trains that a sales pitch is being geared to girls. He said the idea was fostered when a seven-year~old ianhattan girl, Caroline Ranald, wrote the firm saying that, as the owner of seven toy Jocomotives, she wondered why no girls were Shown in Lionel ads. "Don't you like girls?" she asked. a a ee Here are some figures that should explode certain female myths concerning the work-~- ing women: -i.e. that married women don't work and that women make poor employers because of their high rate of absenteeism. ~~ In 1971 1.63% of women in full-time employed labour force were absent from work because of illness for the whole of a particular week: the percentage of men in the full-time employed labour force who were absent from work because of {illness for the whole of a particular week was 1.88% -- In 1971 there were 1,604,000 married women in the female labour force, constituting 56.7% of the female labour force. ~-from Women in the Labour Force 1971, put gut by the Dept. of Labour CANADA * submitted by Linda Coyle