-Ar [a DOUGLAS CCLLEG COLLEGE ASSEMBLY ARCHIVES College Assembly has a role to fulfill at Douglas, and I feel that from time to time that role should be reaffirmed or redirected. Some positions re: the present role of college assembly that seem to exist, based on private conversations; college assembly is a legal body that has power if the faculty would only attend and use that power, college assembly is a sounding board for administration moves, college assembly is a giant bitch session for some faculty members, college assembly is representative of faculty with strong views and therefore doesn't represent the faculty really, some people never participate anyway so it is representative of the faculty, college assembly is an information exchange forum and thats all. I think that creeping paranoia accounts for the attitude that one might infer exists from some of the postions stated above. I further suggest that this occurs either because there is sound basis for the paranoia or that as a result of other (probably unrelated), interaction individuals and groups have generalized an attitude to include their position in regard to college assembly. This I suggest includes faculty, staff and administrators alike, but not all inclusive no doubt. Needless to say, I am sure there are other views on what and why college assembly exists and many different reasons for peoples attitudes concerning them as well as those I suggest here. I would like to propose my view - it does include most of the positions stated above, but in a very different vein which is important I feel in order for college assembly to be worthwhile in terms of our interest and time. I would suggest that apparent apathy at the last session over electing officers was for good reason and thus not apathetic and is indicative of why we need to clarify and reaffirm college assemblies role. "College Assembly is a forum wherein the collective faculty and staff of the college meets periodically to discuss issues of interest to the assembly. (I do not limit 'issues of interest' to immediate college wide business, it could include discussion re: international politics or what- ever as well)." I think many things are of interest and effect our members from time to time. The assembly should convene when and as often as the assemblage dictates. The assembly should have a convenor or president to moderate assembly sessions, and prepare an agenda sheet to be distributed well in advance of assemblies. If issues are presented and debate ensues then the assembly May take a vote re: its collective wish on the issues, or it may simply set a time limit for debate, at the end of which, the issue is set aside or do both. No record of these proceedings is necessary, hence no secretary is needed, nor shall the assembly be viewed as a legal and/or ligitimate arena to force decisions that involved faculty and staff. Yet it certainly is an arena for discussion of issues that may effect. faculty and staff in some other context of college operations.