The Other Press March 22, 1995 editoria Normally, this space is used for a staff editorial. This ish, however, I'm gonna pull a Mr. Simmer (hi Scott!), and use it for a personal com- ment on a recent event. I have something to say, and someone specific to say it to. Every issue, several members of the OP staff, including myself, spend hours upon hours locked in a little lightless room here on campus, losing sleep and sanity alike to put this publication together. Invariably, someone will ask me for a ride home, and I have no problem complying. In fact, I enjoy the-break, and am often seen pushing people out the door. This issue, I went to give Trent a ride home, and was welcomed by a rather distressing sight. My car - my new car - had been busted into. One window, a CD player, several panels of bodywork, and twelve discs later, the idiot(s) who broke in took off, pausing long enough to spit all over the dashboard. Needless to say, I'm not the least bit impressed. In fact, I've spent most of the time since then stewing over what would be the best method of complete and utter destruction. I hate the fucker(s) that did this, and wish them eternal solitude in some crowbar-impaled hell. Although I'm sure the miscreant inbred mutant that did this isn't worth the breath, and the whole thing is just a symptom of the massive parking problems at this institution, I wanna say this anyway. So here goes: Hey loser! Fuck off and die! May you perish in a fiery SkyTrain-into- the-side-of-a-mall-death. Preferably one in which your new CD player crushes your skull mercilessly. Sincerely, Jason Kurylo, OP ProdCo The OP does not in any way condone violence, and we're sure Jason meant it in the best possible way. March 22, 1995 The Other Press is Douglas College's autonomous student newspaper. We've been here since 1976. We aim to serve the students, staff, and faculty of Douglas College with a newspaper that informs them of things happening at the college, across Canada, and around the world that affect them. The Other Press is a full member of Canadian University Press, a collective of Canadian student newspapers, and be- lieve in its constitution and Statement of Principles. The Other Press will not print anything the staff considers racist, sexist, homophobic, or in bad taste. And, once ina while, we let our hair down and go play water polo. And that's only if they let us into the pool... Anyway, if we're not doing any or all of these things to your satisfaction, or even if we give you chills up your spine with our fabulous publication, please let us know. You can mail a letter to us at Box 2503, New Westminster, B.C., V3L 5B2, or drop it in our mail slot at Room 1020, Douglas College, or you can fax us at 527-5095, or you can call us at 525-3542, or you can just drop by and tell us in person. We like you... come visit. We filter our water. Coordinating Staff Production - Jason Kurylo News - Paul Andrew Sports - vacant, Candice Lee acting Arts & Entertainment - 7rent Ernst Photography - Zeebo Editorial & Opinion - vacant, Chad Iverson acting Features - Jammy Coombes Graphics - Marce/ Martin Creative - Niki Kaloudas Distribution - Jim Irving Contributors this issue Daniela Zanatta, Sergio Abegao, Manjit Brar, Mike Dutton, Kevin Sallows, thirteen frogs named Abigail, Trevor Hargreaves, Laura Miller, Ken Spittel, Laura Pottie, Rachel Young, Lani Letual, Dia Richardson, Kelly Hayes, Cathleen McGuire, Corene McKay,Michelle Stewart, Amy Newton-McCann, Slippery J, CUP and somebody or other. Employees Advertising & Accounting - Marion Drakos Production Resource - Scott Simmer Editorial Resource - Angela Chiotakos Subotnick If you're interested in helping with the creation of this publication, we heartily encourage you to come down to the Other Press office, or phone 525-3542. It's the right thing to do, and a tasty way to do it... letters So there... plbbbt Dear Other Press, Re: Oscar Lardizabal N.’s letter about “MOO” Dear Oscar, Due to my theatre knowledge, I have found it best to see the play in order to find out why there are such pictures on a play’s poster before criti- cizing it. I admit, when I first hear of the play in question, I though it was about cows as well. I was wrong, as well as you are. The word “MOO” is a nick-name of a character, thus the ti- tle. The gun, as advertised, is used in- side the play, thus the reason why it’s on the poster. The hat is not cow-boy- ish, and it has nothing to do with the “wild west”. The poster suggested by you (A cow in drag, holding a whip), although... interesting to picture, would be inappropriate for the play. That’s why the director chose the one that he did. Jamie. S Theatre Program Those apples bite! Other Press, The Macintosh computer labs at Douglas College are pathetic. I admit the computer assistants are friendly and helpful, but the equipment needs serv- ice badly. In the library lab only three computers will print. I’m surprised one of the two printers actually works. In the first floor lab, the printers work _ sporadically, that’s if you’re lucky enough to find a computer that will work. I’m not alone in my frustration. Enter either lab, anytime, and watch | the perplexed students banging fruit- lessly away at dead computers. I’ve been told the College (and Student So- ' ciety) would have them running again real soon. That was a month and a half ago. LUT REAL I shouldn’t have had to write this letter. I'd expect this level of service from a high school. Do better, do your job. - switched to Big Blue Coordinator's note: This letter was submitted handwritten, assumingly due to the aforementioned lack of working Macs: Wow. We didn't think faculty knew we existed. Cool. The Editor The Other Press Douglas College Dear Sir: I admit it - your warning not to read your February25th issue got me to read the entire issue. Perhaps I don’t rate too highly as a homophobic because I wasn’t really shocked by any of the con- tent. The contribution by Pat Parker was particularly powerful. Maybe my at- tendance at the OUT LOUD event at Douglas last year had a positive effect on me after all. I admit that I gained a real appreciation for the persons who took part in the workshop on homophobia. This may come as a shock to you, but I saw a number of parallels in my experiences a Christian and the experi- ence of gays in our society. I came out at work after many years of being a closet Christian. Bill Richardson de- scribed the awkwardness experienced in holding hands with his partner at a Canadian Tire store (Vancouver Sun, Oct.1/94). That is not unlike the uneasi- ness that a Christian would experience in carrying a Bible under his/her arm while walking through the halls at Douglas College. A counselor, who also happened to be a Christian, was suspended tem- “tee 8 CaO Leg Lay if you've got an opinion, we'd love to hear it! try to keep it under 300 words, and send it to the other press, room 1020, douglas college, 700 royal avenue, new westminster, b.c., v3l 3t9 tell us you love us, tell us we suck... just, for pete's sake, TELL US!!! porarily by our sister college for pray- ing with a visitor to his office. Also, we don’t always get real treatment in the classrooms. We are expected to carry the burden of what happened to Gali- leo right to this day. Every indiscretion of any Christian, anywhere, is heaped on our collective heads. If I were to speak of my faith in my own lectures I would probably be suspended for forc- ing my beliefs on my students (an indi- cation that they must hold their own beliefs rather tenuously to be so easily persuaded). The secular media gener- ally sees Christians as non-persons. It was suggested that a well known CBC . news broadcaster be replaced simply because he is a Christian and spoke at a Christian event (If I really wanted to get dramatic I would mention that my fore- fathers and mothers were burned at the stake but that was a little different be- cause the persons doing it saw it as their Christian duty). As the saying goes, my mother warned me that my life was not fair. The concern I have is that politi- cal correctness will not allow us to speak freely to each other. Yours truly, A. Harms Faculty As always, the OP is orgasmically happy to receive, and print, any letters from our readers. We would like to humbly make one request, however, with regards to salutations therein. Please note that there are no "editors" per se here, and thus all letters not going out to a specific person or group should be addressed to "the OP," "Other Press," or "hey youse kids." Also, please refrain from gender-specific titles as "sir," as some members of our collective are rather proud of being female. Once again, thanks to all, and we love ya.