Mad Hatter Page & TO: DOUGLAS COLLEGE BOARD October 20, 1983. e.. Internal Matters - Education On September 29th, a College Assembly was held, at which I presented to faculty, staff and students, the implications of current legislation for Douglas College, together with a statement of appropriate directions for the College over the next two to three years. My remarks centered on the actions implied by our proposed Five-Year Plan, and by general stances taken by the Board over the past year. A summary of some of the highlights of that presentation will appear in the next issue of the Mad Hatter. On October 13th, Gerry DellaMattia, Gordon Gilgan, Jim Doerr, and I met with Mr. Abe Kabayama, the Representative of the Canadian Plastics Industry Council. The purpose of the meeting was to explore with him the general lines of development of the Plastics Industry - especially in British Columbia - and the possibility of Douglas College's involvement in education programs in this field. That evening, the Fall Graduation occurred. Mrs. Helen Casher represented the College Board as Chairman of the Graduation. The Graduation Address was made by the Acting Mayor of Maple Ridge, Mr. "Sandy" Macdougall. D. Internal Matters - Personnel Selection interviews for the position of Dean of Applied Programs were carried out during September, and October. Following careful consideration, the Selection Committee has unanimously recommended that we readvertise the position. I concur with this recommendation, and have instructed our Personnel Office to take appropriate action. In the continuing absence of this key position, I have requested Mr. Gordon Gilgan, Acting Dean, to make recommendations to me regarding ways in which we can assist him to discharge his duties over the next few months. Ee Internal Matters - General A Hallowe'en Party is being held for Staff and Faculty on October 28th, from 4:00 to 8:00 p.m.. The Board is most cordially invited to this event, on the understanding that nothing that occurs at that party will be used against the participants in the future. We will make the same commitment to Board members. The first Douglas College Theatre Program in our new Theatre facilities will be staged Wednesday, November 16, and will run for the next 4 evenings, to Sunday, November 20. A reception will follow the Wednesday evening performance, to which members of the Board are cordially invited. WLD/gb