MAD HATTER PAGE 8 SITUATION (continued) That Douglas College will attempt to attract the area of greatest potential growth...the part-time mature female student. That Douglas College's High School liason lacks any clear direction, goals or ability through presentation to at- tract students. WHAT STILL NEEDS TO BE DONE? Selling Plan - Specifics of what needs to be sold to the market. Advertising & Publicity Plan - Breakdown of where money will be spent. Market Survey - Demographic segmentation Finance Plan - How much do we have to work with? PUBLICITY COMMITTEE MEETING: MINUTES - April 27, 1982 IN ATTENDANCE: Catherine Traer, Bob Scott, Charles Parkinson, Beth Bosshard, Tom Whalley, Julie Steele, Dorothy Jones, Bill Bell, Pascale Best 1. RESPONSIBILITIES OF PUBLICITY COMMITTEE: A general discussion and further clari- fication of the responsibilities already on hand: a) the role of representatives of the Publicity Committee to act as scund- ing boards for their division, ie. available for discussion of any ideas of publicity value. In turn the rep- resentatives would present any ideas/ comments to the Publicity Committee as a whole. * b) the need for representatives to pay attention to minutes from other com- mittee meetings as a means of "keep- ing on top" of various proposals for events of publicity value. c) the need to make the College as a whole aware of the role of the Pub- licity Committee and its represent- atives. This was agreed to be car- ried out by publishing in the Mad Hatter: Cn The names of the members of the Publicity Committee (ii) The Terms of Reference/Respons- ibilities of the Publicity Com- mittee (iii) The minutes of all Publicity Com- mittee meetings (iv) A rough outline of the Marketing Strategy for the College as pro- posed by the Publicity Committee. 2. ADDED RESPONSIBILITIES OF PUBLICITY COMMITTEE: (Discussion of Gerry DellaMattia & Jim Doerr's Memo to Bill Day) a) OCCUPANCY OF PERMANENT CAMPUS: That the Publicity Committee is the senior committee responsible for set- ting guidelines for, overseeing and co-ordinating all activities related to the occupancy of the permanent campus. The Committee recommended that a request be put to senior man- agement for clarification as to the institutional policy regarding 'the use of facilities' and 'space book- ings' before it can establish any guidelines regarding occupancy of the permanent campus. b) OUTREACH COMMITTEE: That the Outreach Committee be a sub- committee of and responsible to the Publicity Committee. c) OPENING CEREMONIES COMMITTEE: The Publicity Committee recommends: