DOUGLAS COLLEGE LiBRAHY d Hatter | as College Newslette > Monday, October 1, 1979 TIMETABLING - SPRING 1980 Timetabling procedures for Spring 1980 have now commenced. Your discipline convenor will be drafting a timetable during the next week for submission to campus administration by October 3. Please contact your convenor directly if you have any special requests or concerns related to timetabling. Thank you for your cooperation. -... Marilyn Smith READING SKILLS FOR THE PROFESSIONAL & BUSINESS PERSON Faculty, staff, administrators; are you interested in developing your reading efficiency skills? Here's your chance. The Continuing Education Department of Douglas College will be offering a new course entitled "Reading Skills for the Professional and Business- person". This course is designed to be of value for adult readers who already know "how" to read, but are interested in developing more efficient reading habits. Course content will centre on reading rate and flexibility of speeds, comprehension development, including reading for main ideas; detail; W-5 and critical reading/thinking skills. Special emphasis will be placed on the reading of technical reports and briefs that participants would likely be in touch with in their working field. This course should not be confused with the existing College 100 Reading Program. Place: Richmond Campus. Fee: $55. Date: Tuesday, Oct. 2-Nov. 13 Sessions: 7. Instructor: Sherry Ladbrook. Time: 1900-2100 hours. Se SAN ee