MADHATTER PAGE 4 MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE (Cont. ) - Graydon to prepare a rental fee schedule to cover the period to the end of August/83. Management Sub-Committee on Facilities use Policy Procedures, Rules and Regulations In preparation for our move to the new building and following a Management Workshop which identified a number of issues that need to be addressed, West Graydon prepared draft Use Policies and Procedures, Rules and Regulations. These were received by the Management Comittee at its July 6th meeting. A sub-committee of the Management Committee was established to review them and prepare final recommendations for consideration by Management and the Board. I have been asked to chair this cammittee. The objective is to have a final policy in place by January 1/83. All members of the College community are asked to review the draft policies and provide input and advice through the Governance system. The Deans and Bursar will be initiating these processes. The minutes of the first meeting cf the sub-Cammittee below outline the time frame. DRAFT DOUGLAS COLLEGE FACILITIES USE POLICIES PHILOSOPHY Douglas College facilities should receive maximum use by outside organizations and cammunity groups providing there is no conflict with College activities. POLICIES 1. Given that the function of time- tabling is carried out in the Office of the Registrar, then all other facility bookings, both internal and external, shall be centralized through the Office of the Director of Physical Plant. 2. No programme or discipline shall have unequivocal rights to any space. a) Programmes or disciplines with specialized space shall have priority bookings in this space. Their space requirements must be met before any other bookings are permitted. b) Priority list to be used when there are competing demands for the same space: 1) Planned College credit courses and programmes ; 2) Planned College non-credit courses; 3) Subsequently established, unplanned College credit and non-credit courses on a first-come, first-served basis; 4) Jointly sponsored courses with the cammunity; 5) Non-profit community groups; 6) Profit community groups; 7) Cammercial agencies. 3. All Douglas College space shall be available for hooking, however, all requests for space in areas where there is specialized equipment shall be done in consultation with the appropriate administrator or their cesignate. 4, All facility bookings shall be ona semester only basis and will be re- viewed once the semester timetabling is complete. 5. The College reserves the right to