OO ON EN RM ac a The La Jolla Program apse Bae ee Or. Bruce Meador CO-DIRECTOR Rev. Douglas Land ' CO-DIRECTOR Dr. William Coulson CONSULTANT Dr. Cari R. Rogers CONSULTANT 1975 SUMMER INSTITUTE The La Jolla Program of the Center for Studies of the Person announces its ninth summer of institutes for individuals interested in the application of group process to their own settings. Four institutes will be held in summer, 1975, on the campus of the University of California at San Diego: June 21 to July 7; July 12 to July 28; August 2 to August 18; August 23 to September 8. The major emphasis of the program will be on directly experiencing the kind of group that is suggested by Dr. Rogers when he writes: “It usually consists of ten to fifteen persons and a facilitator or leader. It is relatively unstructured, providing a climate of maximum freedom for personal expression, exploration of feelings, and interpersonal communication. Emphasis is upon the interactions among the group members, in an atmosphere which encourages each to drop his defenses and facades and thus enables the person to recognize and change self-defeating attitudes, test out and adopt more innovative and constructive behaviors, and subsequently to relate more adequately and effectively to others in his everyday life...” ; Characteristic of the La Jolla Program, emphasis during the institute will be on direct experience in small groups (with Staff facilitators) and an opportunity for institute participants themselves to facilitate weekend groups. In addition, there is growing emphasis on the importance of frequent, minimally-structured meetings of the entire institute community. Permeating the program—in the style of leadership exemplified by the majority of the staff and also offered in the community meetings—is a person-centered philosophy of group leadership, a view which emphasizes that there is maximum growth for both group and facilitator when the facilitator participates as a whole person rather than as a technical expert. The program is essentially for persons interested in experience with this philosophy of leadership. Faculty of the program will include the co-directors and other facilitators—and, for an afternoon, Dr. Rogers. Participants can be expected to be from a variety of vocational backgrounds, including education, religion, counseling, and health. Tuition is $300.00. Room cost is $9.00 per night per person for a double and $11.00 per night per person for a single room. (The room rate includes 2 meals and is subject to change.) Application should be made by letter, should include a $25.00 application fee (non-refundable if accepted, and in addition to the $300.00 tuition), and should contain the following information: name, address, telephone, sex, age, marital status, amount of previous group experience, and a brief statement of the applicant's vocational sesnines and reason for wanting to attend. Early application is suggested. Participants wishing academic credit can receive their choice of three, six, or nine quarter units in connection with the summer institute, through the University of California Extension. The fee, payable to the Regents of the University of California, is $25.00 for each three units of credit. 1125 Torrey Pines Road / La Jolla, California 92037 / Area Code (714) 459-3861 1975 Summer Institute dates: June 21 to July 7, July 12 to July 28, August 2 to August 18, August 23 to September 8 An affiliated program of the Center for Studies of the Person, a non-profit corporation.