By Kennedy Kierans anuary is a popular time to Jess clean out your closets, and get in shape. But what about your finances? They may be in pretty bad condition after the holidays and need some attention too. There are a lot of things you can do to get your money situation back on track, but first you need to find out how bad it is. Check your account balances and credit card balances. How much money do you have? How much do you owe? Now that you know where you’re at, you need to figure out where your want to get to. What is your goal? And, how will you get there? There are lot of things students can do; here are some of the key ones: Become aware of your spending. The easiest ways to do this are to put away your debit and credit cards and use cash only. It’s very easy to become disconnected from your spending when you are using plastic. Also, write down, every day, what you spend your money on. This will help you see where your money goes and why you're broke by the third week of the month. Cut down on your big indulgences. Driving is great, but if your money is really tight in other areas, you might want to cut back. You don’t necessarily have to cut it Getting back on budget out entirely, two hours on transit after your Tuesday night class can be really tough, but you might want to consider taking the bus other days. Cut down on your little indulgences. Tim Horton’s or Starbucks can be a great way to start a day, but the money can definitely add up. Again, you don’t necessarily have to cut it out entirely, and it’s stressful to feel deprived, but you might want to consider cutting down. How about two or three days a week, instead of every day? Get a handle on the little details. A lot of money can be wasted on bank fees. Go to the bank machine just once a week for the money you'll need for that week, and make sure it’s a machine from your bank. There’s no point paying more than you have to for the right to use your own money. Late fees can also drain a lot of money from your account. Know what the rental periods are at your favourite video store or, better yet, see if you can borrow the video, for free, from our library. Beware, though, we charge fees too if you’re late returning it. There are lots of other ideas out there; just Google “budgeting hints.” With just a few simple changes, you could find yourself more financially comfortable during the month. You might even have money left at the end! Baro Insufficient (fun)ds: Movieland Arcade A safe-haven for those in their quarter-life crisis By Jacey Gibb ne of the feelings I miss most from being a kid was the thrill that came with receiving a single quarter. To a child, twenty five cents holds an incredible amount of potential: you could buy several five cent candies or if you could get your hands on a couple pennies more, you could even splurge on one of those larger sour soothers or coke bottles. As you grew older though, you realized that twenty five cents doesn’t go too far and that you’d need about thirty more just like it before you could start to afford anything decent. However, I’m here to tell you that there’s still a place where mindless enjoyment is only a quarter away: Movieland Arcade True, arcade games didn’t go extinct or anything. Almost every movie theatre around has a corner of the lobby dedicated to consoles, both from your childhood and the ones you WISH were from your childhood. All you have to do is cash in a loonie and then you’ll receive three tokens. But wait, that racing game costs four tokens to play so that means you have to give the change machine ANOTHER loonie. And then you’re stuck with two left over tokens with no way to get rid of them. Don’t you love overly complex setups that are specifically designed to make you spend more money than you want to? At Movieland Arcade, the simplicity of arcade games has been preserved in a way that’s familiar and comforting. The process is simple: walk in, place your money at the stand where you enter and say how many dollars worth of quarters you’ ll need (spoilers: it won’t be enough) and then you’re good to go. A little over half of the games cost fifty cents but an almost equal amount only cost a quarter. From the moment you walk through the doors you'll be greeted with a sense of nostalgia as you’re drawn to the Jurassic Park Lost World jeep directly in front of you. Then you’ll break eye-contact just long enough to see that Time Crisis 2 lies just to your right and is just begging for you to play some co-op mode. If shooting games aren’t your thing (?) an impressive row of pinball machines are lined up along the left side of the arcade, ranging from classics like Playboy and Addam’s Family to impressive newer editions like Terminator and Star Wars Episode 1, my personal favourite, which has a screen that plays movie clips to correspond with different bonuses and challenges in the game: An arsenal of racing games can be found to the left of the pinball machines but I’d recommend not wasting your time. Though they can be fun when you have four or five friends racing each other, the races are short-lived and never seem worth it. Near the back you can find other games that you forgot about until just now like Area 51, Gauntlet Legends and even Ms Pacman. I always avoided playing Big Buck Hunter at bars when I would see that it cost one to two dollars each round, but at Movieland its only fifty cents. Let me - tell you, that price drop has made me shoot virtual deer like never before. And of course, make sure to save a couple quarters for a game of Crazy Taxi on your way out (right next to Time Crisis 2). If you’re downtown on Granville Street I highly recommend checking out Movieland Arcade (its right by the Commodore Ballroom). It’s a fun way to revisit the fossils from your past without having to spend thousands on a pinball machine for the basement. Damage: Depends. $5 should last about half an hour ~ as