Op-Ed October 2, 2002 the other press the Other Press’ Opinion Poll The Third Degree Eileen Velthuis OP Contributor fees tal or If you were Gordon Campbell, what would you do? Hey there—it’s me, Erin, the Opinions Editor of this fine paper. I was away last week and the lovely J.A.L. stood in as my replacement. And wouldn't you know it—she got a better response to her one opinion poll question than I have gotten in all polls combined since July. “Listen to the minority groups, take the time to look at the entire picture, and stop spending money on things we don't need.” The results? SLURPEE: 4 / BIG GULP: 7 After reading the comments via email, I have decided to permanently abstain from both of these cold beverages. You people are mad. Here are a few excerpts: Austin “Super Big G’s all the way, baby. Screw the Slurpee freaks.” David “I must say, both slurp and gulp almost go together straw-in-straw (you ever seen a SBG with hands?). However, I always felt cheated when get- ting to the bottom of a Slurpee—even after stirring madly, the empty ice releases no juicy sweetness. Quite a different experience with a Super Big Gulp: the straw is easily maneouvered around the bottom of the cup (careful to avoid the wax shavings), sucking up the last drops of sweet nectar—Super Big Gulp, good to the last slurp.” S.B. “Listen to what people are saying and use that information apropri- ately.” Helen “Slurpee. An ice cream headache with the kick of a sugar overdose. My kids agree.” D-L “SBG! SBG! .--SBG!” D.FX.S. “Cream soda and diet coke slurpees! Half & half.” “Spend more mon CCLS P cy on special education.” “Slurpee all the way!” Toure Tammy “I can vote right? SUPER BIG GULP. Slurpees are crass.” J.AL. Okay, so this week's poll question is...(drum roll?)... PANTIES or THONGS? Whether you're wearing them or "Cur the tax.” looking at them, which do you prefer? ~ _ Meenu Make me proud—vote now, and vote often. Please show me you care more about unmentionables than ice-cold bev- erages. Vote by email—opopinion@hotmail.com—or by dropping your vote off at the Other Press office. © page 10