Se ee nn October 3 1977 the other press page 1§ More freedom The resolution called for the enactment of information laws at all levels of govern- ment. and it called for a review procedure in the courts where the govern- ment could show why a document should not be avail able for release upon request. This is a reversal of current practice where the individual or group has to show cause why they want a particular report. In February, the Canadian Bar Association héld a press conference in Ottawa after presenting its resolution to both the Justice Minister and the Prime Minister. ' Assoc iation president Boyd Ferris said the government had no intention of introducing in- formation legislation and it was the Association‘s plan to actively lobby for such laws. In August, Ferris called a press conference to release a report by University of Victoria Professor Murray eww Ree tees Rankin which heavily at tacked the government green policy paper. The Rankin report said ‘‘by the paucity of its analysis, the blurring of its stated opinions and the mis representations of the goals and practices of free dom of information legisla tion will not be forth coming. ‘‘ There are many issues in volved-in the freedom of infor mation debate. These include accountability of governments and civil ser vants, what precisely the exemptions should be, the amount of time needed be tween the request for docu ments and their actual pro duction and the costs of reproducing requested docu ments. However, these are all secondary to most obser vers. For them the central issue is the type of review mechanism to be used if a request for information is denied. The question is one of ministerial responsibility versus judicial review. The government's green paper discusses five options for such a review: a par liamentary option, where the Heineken: Light, smooth Full flavour . Satisfaction—for those times when your taste demands it. denial would be debated and decided in Parliament; an information auditor who would report to Parliament once a year on requests denied; an information com missioner with advisory pow ers who would hear cases and then report them public ly but would leave final deci sions to the minister; an information ___ com missioner with powers to order release who would be able to study a case and order the minister to release the document in question after deciding that a case was valid; and an appeal in the courts. The green paper rules out court appeals and an informa tion commissioner with power to order release of documents. The document says these methods are incon sistent with the theory of ministerial responsibility and anything done to advocate these powers would set a dangerous precendent at odds with Canada‘s constitu tion and traditions. : Its all amatter of taste. IMPORTED HEINEKEN -AVAILABLE AT LIQUOR STORES re : Represented in Canada by Sainsbury International Agencies Ltd. ~Sno-Bird eee ereeee All dressed up in fine new feathers! the bubbly white wine for when you next have the flock around. SteMichelle opurhlng Wate Wine Wn Blanc Mousse © 0160 6 G2 b 4:06 6 00 bes 6 bet '6 6 eles tobe ese 4's Wale /vol lBle MAGNUM