gy L_ Julian Worker, OP Contributor My fellow Americans, I am speaking to you this evening as the bearer of some heinous news. There is a country in the world that is causing me to not sleep at night. This is a country that I call the Tarzan country, because I associate it with mad yet wise mullahs. I am talking about Iran, my fellow Americans, the country of Iran:in the Near East. These people, these mullahs, are always beating their chests and shout- ing aloud about how they are going to defeat the Great Satan. By the Great Satan, my fellow Americans, those Tarzan like mullahs mean the United States of America! Your countty, my fellow Americans, my country, God’s own country. This should show you how those mullahs think about us, the American people. They are upset with me because I said that Iran was one of the axes of - evil that chops down the trees of freedom. Look at theit behaviour since then. Why, they have only gone and proved me right! Iran has been defying the world and trying to start a nuclear program. Those mullahs are intending to start creating nuclear else would a country like Iran need nuclear power? Why? Those mullahs say they want to use nuclear power to generate electricity. Why? They could always buy their electricity from other countries, such as Iraq, but no they don’t want to do that. They want to be independent. They want to gener- ate their own electricity. Why my fellow Americans, those mad mullahs say they want nuclear power so.they can generate electricity so they can see at night in Tehran and not drive their cars into lamp stan- dards and buildings; those mad mul- lahs say they want nuclear power so they can generate electricity to cook their food, so that their people can eat and not starve to death; those mad mullahs say they want nuclear power so they can generate electricity to heat their water and have warm showers each day; those mad mullahs say they want nuclear power so they can generate electricity to power their televisions so they can watch CNN and listen to music on their radios; those mad mullahs say they want nuclear power so they can generate electricity to power their air-condi- tioning units in the desert, so that they can feel cool in the hot summer the truth my fellow Americans, these 1 8 THE OTHER PRESS NOVEMBER .16 2006 Bush Warns, Beware of Iran! red herrings. Those mad mullahs want nuclear power so they can create nuclear weapons, place those bombs on missiles and fire them at the United States of America and its allies in the world. But, my fellow Americans, there is _ another grievous reason not to trust Iran. American Very Special Intelligence Services have been inves- tigating Hurricane Katrina and its destruction of our great city of New Orleans. This destructive act of Katrina or “Katrina Act” as it has been called by some in the media, including the Press Office in the White House, was a warning from God my fellow Americans. God was trying to warn us, his own people, _about the impending disaster. Why, my fellow Americans, “Katrina Act” is an anagram of “Iran Attack”! Yes, my fellow Americans, God tried to give us a warning and we missed it. Hurricane Katrina was an attack on our great country, God’s own coun- try, by Iran and we have to respond in some way. Having tried to destroy our great nation with high speed winds, the mad mullahs are now poised to fire nuclear weapons at us. We can’t let this happen my fellow Americans, we have to act now to - stop another hurricane, a nuclear hur- + ricane, destroying one of our great cities. I will do whatever has to be done to prevent another Iran attack on our great country and I know you will support me in this matter. And now on a lighter note, I would just like to congratulate the new Prime Minister of Canada on his recent appointment to the job as my new best friend in the world. Mr. Sharper, as my Secretary-of-State Condoleezza Rice calls him, will be a great comfort to me. Steve, as I hope I can call you, I look forward to your support and | think you will make me look good when we appear together on TV. As my Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld wittily quipped to me only yesterday, “That Harper guy will sure change his country from Cantada to Canada.” We'look forward to working with Mr. Harper in Iraq, Afghanistan, and in our forthcoming involvement in Iran. My administra- tion also believes that Mr. Harper, Steve, will do a heck of a job in help- ing us block the further implementa- tion of the Kyoto accords. God bless America - GWB