Sports by John Morash magine a 14-year-old boy away from home for the first time, with his parents’ bless- ings, pursing his dream of becom- ing an NHL star. The future looks bright; the boy has talent and believes nothing’tan stop him. Now imagine that same boy sexually assaulted over 300 times, by his adult hockey coach. That is exactly what happened, to Sheldon Kennedy. Sheldon is not alone in his nightmare; many young men have been sexually assaulted in the great Canadian their fault. On behalf of our young and defenseless children, the hockey community must publicly rout out sexual abusers. Recently, Boston Bruins winger Sheldon Kennedy has charged his former junior hockey coach Graham James with over 300 counts of sexual abuse. James has since been convicted, and sen- tenced to three and a half years in prison. Since Kennedy went sport of hockey, and it hasn’t been © by Holly Keyes ot sure if you need a self- defense course? Think about other life-skills you have, like First Aid, that might come in handy some day. Then compare them to your get out of a potentially dangerous situation right away. There is no such thing as a “good” neighborhood or a “safe” profession. Anyone breathing can take and use a self- defense course like Wenlido, no matter what age or ability. Some groups are more vulner- able, such as the elderly, but no one group is immune to verbal, physical or sexual assault. Wenlido is a self- defense course taught by women, for women and their children, and is available at Douglas College. The basic course is 12 hours over 6 weeks and it teaches the five A’s of self-defense: awareness, avoidance, assertiveness, assess- ment, action and how to deal with assaults through a combination of theory and practice. Wenlido combines Eastern philosophies of martial arts and Western concepts of self-defense with a range of strategies so you'll be prepared to protect yourself—and, if possible, avoid potentially dangerous situations. The program is effective with very little training, unlike martial arts which can take years to master. Wenlido will help make you aware of your options when faced with Courage against evil Sexual abuse in hockey must be stopped public with his case, sexual abuse crisis agencies across Canada have been flooded with calls, and most of the calls are from men. The Junior Hockey League (JHL) has said that it wishes to get all sexual abuse cases out in the open. Subsequently, more coaches have been charged. And now even some top league officials have how safe are our children in the hands of strangers? been implicated for having prior knowledge of sexual abuse in the league. At the expense of many young men these officials chose not to investigate. This begs the question: how safe are our children in the hands of strangers? Susan Butt, a sports psycholo- gist, explains that the offenders are usually in a position of power over the athletes, and the victims are ashamed and scared to come The deadly women’s an attack and it will arm you with the skills to survive. You are taught to be aware of your situation and how to get out of an uncomfortable environment before an attack can occur. The decision to use physical resistance is a personal one but statistics show that more than 50% of Canadian women will experi- ence at least one act of violence. Douglas College’s Safer Campus Committee is sponsoring Wenlido at both New West and David Lam campuses. The course will be offered during all three semesters, at all three campuses, sometime during the year. Women Educating in Self- defense Training (WEST) is the not- for-profit group doing the training. forward. Younger kids are more vulnerable to the advances of authority figures. Susan says “Maybe people will finally face up to the fact that this stuff happens in sport.” It is time for hockey to acknowledge this, and implement some effective ways to report sexual abusers. In addition, when hiring coaches and staff, the JHL and parents alike must now take a cautious and defensive approach, on behalf of the young men in hockey. Brian Shaw is another sexual abuser of boys who was un- veiled as a result of the James conviction. Former owner of the Portland Winter Hawks, Shaw propositioned and seduced boys with promises to help their hockey careers. Shaw would take the boys on trips to Las Vegas as a friend and then sexually force himself on them. Shaw died of AIDS-related cancer in 1993. Although he was never charged, two league executives reported to former commissioner Ed Chynoweth that they were art They offer courses in many areas of BC and Alberta, in colleges, universities and community centres. Further training, in an advanced course, is offered at the Trout Lake Community Centre in East Vancouver. And if demand is high enough the advanced course may be offered at Douglas as well. The classes usually start in the second month of each semester at varying times and locations so it is available to more students. At Douglas College the Wenlido classes are only for women but WEST will gladly teach any group that organizes at least ten people and a location for the class. There is a fee of about $20 for the campus-based six week course, but financial assistance is available to anyone who needs it. WEST will do two hour workshops for free if you contact them and set up a time and place. @ To find out more about WEST or Wenlido at Douglas College call WEST at 876-6390, the Women’s Centre at New West (527-5148) or David Lam (527- 5884), or contact Jennifer Kirkey at 527-5236, or attend the one hour introductory course on International Wom- en’s Day. concerned with Shaw’s interac- tions with the boys. Chynoweth maintained that he could not act without proof. He did not investi- gate the matter, thus leaving the predator Shaw to continue molesting adolescent hockey players. More recently, Maple Leaf Gardens equipment manager Gordon Stuckless was arrested for molesting two young boys at the Gardens from 1970 to 1980. Maple Leaf Gardens settled the case out of court for $60 000. It is not the fault of these young boys that they were abused. It is the sick individuals that per- formed these sex crimes who should suffer. If the true criminals are to be held accountable, they must be reported to the police and charged publicly. This is clearly the only way to protect our children from these monsters. Sheldon Kennedy’s courage to speak out has opened our eyes , and now we have to do something about sexual abuse in hockey. Charge the sons-of-bitches. » Age: 21 Profile: Nicole Devooght F sO Bo a £ 3 = 5 a Program: General Studies Why did you want to play floor hockey? For the fun and the exercise. studies? What are you going to do in the future with your I want to become an elementary school teacher. What is your favourite type of athletic drink? Milk with Kaluha What is your favorite colour of smartie? Blue, because it is the newest one. Paper Route, college style The Other Press needs a distribution coordinator. Must have access to a car. Must be reliable. Must care about success of paper. Weekly stipend and gas. Interested? Come to room 1020, New West. The Other Press March 4,1997 11