Editorial Glen or Glenda? By the time you read this, our Premier will have spoken to us on campus. The issue will probably be tuition fees Cyou closet soothsayers can check our accuracy). Even if the Right Honourable Glen (that’s with one “n,” McEvoy) Clark does not: speak to the is- sue of tuition fees the question about them remains: with Moe Sihota out of the cabinet, will Paul Ramsey maintain Moe’s commitment to students? Love him or not, Moe Sihota was the best advocate for students that the provincial Legislature has ever seen. It will be inter- esting to see if Ramsey has any of Moe’s passion for the cause. Politics is not about integrity or principles, it’s about who can balance the interests of their favourite minor- ity group against the demands of the rest. Mastering this skill is the key to longevity on the Canadian political scene. If politicians are unable to grasp this febrile concept and quench their ethical concerns in the waters of Lethe, then they are doomed to walk the path of the unknown, in a state of being perpetually forgotten. Alas poor Moe, we knew him well. Were rry... campus. Once again we ask : 506838 . forgiveness for the profound ill- rs bes erect treatment that you have receive at our collective hands and to please reconsider giving us space to distribute our paper in the Wom- We, The womyn’s issue coordina- tors and The Other Press, would like to extend our deepest and hum- : 2 en's Centre, blest apologies to you. We admit to Sincerely vours, The Other Press the grievous error of F#&*#@$ up y ye : : royally in neglecting to mention Women's Issue Coordinators the Women’s Centre in the article on ‘School and the Single Mom.’ People like us? We overlooked the fact that the I have been a long time fan of the Women’s Centre is the most Other Press and finally have found womyn-friendly space on this the time to congratulate you on a campus. We realize your centre is _fine publication. All the sucking up EE Mr. Bitter BER From te cue state: “wine Mem, 6 Cade He Fen ptap~ WEG LOOMING EMACIATED DOG, weve tee ce Wain To se. a | yy aes 7&1 (Ne =f Duck of F x IN cx. THE GeEAT GENERAL FINOS YIMSELF ALONE PENIND EYEMY LiNcS Ore y NY A nay Ww \ i 3 GENERA, SPorTinG A LONE BLN uwi- | Foam, REACHES FOR US more single-parent homes, the lack of support for these single-parents will gain more media attention. In the meantime, single-parents must suffer in the bureaucratic night- mare that is the government or try to salvage a living in an otherwise unsympathetic society. Being from a single-parent home, I realize the tremendous pressure and stress that single mothers must endure. Luckily, my mother was able to work and support my brother and I without social assistance. To hear of mothers that are brave enough to care for their Oops iTAWays TAKE The LONG To & nA MocHA? a é a Ig Reaching for the help single People really like us! mothers need is the beginning, but Who? The Editor, Coordinating t find : 0? The Editor, i ae Ba ee wide the Staff and Contributors. help they are reaching for. Writing articles to highlight the need is a good step in providing the all- important assistance. Being aware is certainly important, and Barbara has done that in a very positive fashion. Once again, the women’s issue of the OP has provided some wonderful articles and points of view (although, I wish you would include those great covers like you have in the past!). It is paramount What? Congratulations for publishing an interesting, informa- tive, articulate paper touching on many timely topics. When? Every week!!! Where? Where else—but Douglas College! Why? are congratulations in order? Because all of you deserve a pat on the back and a thank you for publishing a paper that is definitely worth reading. one of the most useful places to go aside, I wanted to applaud the children and try to get aneduca- _to highlight the social (and eco- Evelyn Harvey to if womyn are needing assistance article written by Barbara Kinley- _ tion is truly remarkable. I know nomic) injustices in a student Assessment Centre ee beck » school, ee Hubert in the recently published that there are single mothershere _ paper. Hell, where else is it going college seswicewon: just neesting Women’s edition. on campus, but I did not know the _ to be displayed? sce PCr eee The issue of single parenting is _ extent of the difficulties they Keep up the tireless efforts! apologize for the dereliction of our often filled with confusing and encteaniok. Bro, Reiles duties in mentioning International misleading information. As our idan’ Clniow what the ultimate Woensets Ger eekieter ae society continues tosee more and _ solution to these hardships is. The Other Press is Douglas College's autono- Principles and Code of Ethics, but we're notsure CUP Liaison ~ Julia Cornester Contributors 7 mous student newspaper. We have been what that means. cup@op.douglas.bc.ca Doug Whitlow, Jason Kurylo, Brian Kraus, Cy the on publishing since 1976. The Other Press is runas The Other Press reserves the right to choose Distribution ~ Barbara Kinley-Hubert (acting) Meeks, Sarah Schmidt, Samer “We hail you a nor-heirarchical collective, which means that if anything goes wrong, it wasn’t my fault. The OP publishes every week during this semester — we felt like we needed the change —and monthly [as a magazine] during the Gither Press Volume 21 - lesue 17 Meroh 10, 1887 1020-700 Royal Avenue — “We reseive our funding from a student levy New Westminster, BC (that’s ee V3L 5B2 aaron oa ay General@op.douglas.bc.ca ___ The Other Press isa member of the Canadian Phone 525-3542 Scape aria Sele Hc Fax 527-5095 adhere to CUP’s Statement of Common what to publish, and what not to publish. We don’t publish anything racist, sexist or homophobic. If you have any quibbles with what we choose, maybe you should get your lazy butt down here and help. Coordinating Staff Athletics ~ Jonathan D. Chapman sports@op.douglas.bc.ca Arts & Entertainment ~ Kim Jorgensen a&e@op.douglas.be.ca Classifieds ~ Barbara Kinley-Hubert (acting) Creative ~ Gweny Wong others@op.douglas.be.ca Coquitlam ~ Joyce Robinson coq_coordinator@op.douglas.bc.ca Features ~ Arthur Hanks features@op.douglas.be.ca Graphics ~ Cheryl Chiu graphics@op.douglas.be.ca News ~ Jim Chliboyko news@op.douglas.be.ca Opinion and Editorial ~ Elijah Bak (acting) opinions@op.douglas.bc.ca Photography ~ Eric Milner photo@op.douglas.bc.ca Production ~ Jessica Fish production_co@op.douglas.bc.ca Systems Operator ~ Michael Pierre op_web@op.douglas.bc.ca oh great and wonderful NBC2B” Muscati, John Vincent, Christopher Bonnalle, Michele L. Gray, Cythia Ashton Styles, Byrun Stedmann on Civ, and Mouse. Employees Advertising ~ John Morash ad@op.douglas.be.ca Bookkeeping ~ David Sussman general@op.douglas.be.ca Production Resource ~ Trent Ernst production@op.douglas.be.ca Editorial Resource ~ Corene McKay edit@op.douglas.be.ca 2 March 10,1997 The Other Press