DOUGLAS COLLEGE ARCHIVES TO: DOUGLAS COLLEGE BOARD March -205-1986.—! The Council of Principals is preparing a document, addressing the need of the college and institute system for more adequate levels of funding, in order to insure that government recognizes that increases in budget for the college and institute system can hardly be considered "inflationary", when there have been absolute decreases in funding for the system as a whole, while student enrollments have risen significantly. This paper will be developed over the next short while, and presented to Ministry personnel, and the BCAC Executive, in the hope that it will be found useful. On March 3rd, the Chief Executive Officers of the Lower Mainland colleges met with members of the B.C. Business Council in Vancouver to discuss the need for better communication and long range planning in the Post Secondary Education area, relative to the directions of the B.C. economy. They proposed the creation of an ongoing "forum", within which CEO's of colleges and institutes, major employers on the lower mainland, | could informally discuss issues and opportunities for joint planning. | This forum will be chaired by Mr. Gerry Franciscovich, of Chevron | Canada Ltd. I have been asked to act as Vice-Chairman. Its first meeting will be in early April. On March 6th, I spent a day at the Open Learning Institute, in con- Sultation with a team of people working on the creation of the new Open Learning Authority. The topic for the day was "open education - the community adult education function of the new system". Dr. Terry Clement has also been acting as a consultant to the new Open Learning Authority in the area of systems development. On March 7th and 8th, the B.C. Council of College & Institutes Principals sponsored a workshop on College Governance, during which college board members and chief executive officers could discuss the nature of the authority and role of college boards. Mr. C. Murnane, Mr. G. Trerise, Dr. Pauline Hughes, and Dr. John Hopkins were in attendance. C. Internal Matters - Education On February 23rd, the Hon. Russell Fraser met with Mr. G. Trerise and other Chairmen of the College Boards in Richmond. The following day, he met with Chief Executive Officers of Colleges and Institutes, and introduced the new Deputy Minister, Dr. John Dewey. The focus of attention was on the $110 million Excellence Fund, and its relationship to the colleges and institutes