mye agit a vif pe =! ‘TA + 55 Taras ' Atay Try! 1F “Sy re wpe OF THe BARD, HONOURS GUEQINS, AND FELLOW STU vtinTs Reins selected as this year's Valedictorian came as a complete surprise to me, as I had elways envisioned a Valedictorian as a younm™, full-time, ambitious student, stopping briefly at Jouglas Collere on his or her way to grander things, and probably a life in Politics. I, on the other hand entered this Tollese five years avo no a mature part-time student, and have seen many of those youns and anbitious students come and fo. Perceiving myself as a rather A-typical student,.I felt very apprehensive about bearing the responsibility for delivering the farewell speech for this group of grraduates. Wowever, the more thoucht I gave to this responsibi- lity, the more I realized that the education which I and every rraduate from this institution received ~eant the same thing: OPPORTUNITY. For the vast majority of students, education means an opportunity for employment, but for many others the opportunity is the education itself. Those are the people, like myself, who want and need educational services, but find Universities too expensive, inaecerrsable, or intimidating, and thus are frustrated in their academic or vocational pursuits. For myself, this College provided me with the opportunity to pursue an education in preparation for a career, while not compromising my conmitment to my home and family. At the same time it has provided a place for those much older than nyself to pursue an education in a non-threatening atmosphere, and for those much younger a place close to home and less expensive than the larger post-secondary institutions. However, to many, particularly the very young, the concept of Oo seat ae