CHANGING FAMILIES: CHANGING TRADITIONS CONT' "What we want to examine is the limit- ations and possibilities of the people who work with families and act as change agents," Zimmerman explained. Dr. David Freeman, prominant family theorist, will discuss his views on the changing family and the implications this has on family services. The Day of Development starts Thursday, April 30 at 9:00 a.m. and runs through to 3:00 p.m., at the New Westminster Y.M./Y.W.C.A., 180 - 6th Street. Dr. Shelia Thompson will be chairing this event. ALL IN THE FAMILY The Community Services Programs Division is planning to develop expanded ccm- munity programming in the area of Family Studies. I would like to hear from any Faculty/Staff who are interested in offering a C.E. course next fall which relates to the family, either General Interest or Skills Development, or who would be interested in discussing ideas/plans for future community pro- grams. Please call me at New Westminster. Lillian Zimmerman ARCHIVES VOULLAS COLLEGE | MAD HATTER PAGE 4 FOR SALE - CONT' l dresser (with mirror) $25 1 ugly but serviceable dinette set (chrame/formica) $10 1 upholstered rocker $10 1 dressing table $10 Contact Jim Adams, Surrey Campus loc. 225i. 1930's dining room suite. Table, six chairs, a sideboard (with original glass inserts) and another smaller sideboard that is similar but does not quite match. If you are into minor renovations, this is the set for you. This lovely sturdy set is going for $300 (firm). J. Adams, loc. 225 Surrey Change THE B.C.G.E.U. Seminar which was scheduled for Tuesday, April 21, has now been re-scheduled for Tuesday, April 28. The Topic "The Successful Woman" will still be on the schedule with guest speaker Pauline Jewett. For Sale Looking for a residence to buy or rent yearly. FOR SALE in Arbutus Village (King Edward & 41) 880 sq. ft. Large one FOR LEASE (new) condominium, 2540 York Avenue, 2 bedroom, den, 3 bathrooms, 1580 sq.ft. 600 ft. decking. For further information on both the above call 688-1218, Gins Doolittle (between 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.) FORT FAIR Spring show and sale of Antiques and Collectables. Admission $1.25. DATE: Sunday April 19th TIME: ll a.m. - 6 p.m. PLACE: Fort Langley Commmity Hall, 9167 Glover Road, Fort Langley.