DIVISION OF DOUGLAS-COLLEGE NAMES At the College Board meeting held - on June 19, 1980 the following res- oluttons were passed: "THAT the name 'Douglas' be re- tatned by one of the two colleges” "THAT the North College retatn the name of ‘Douglas College'." "THAT the Community Relattons Commtttee be tnstructed to sub- mtt recommendattons to the Col- lege Board for names to be con- stdered for the South College.” Reg Prtdham PROVINCIAL INDUSTRIAL TRAINING CONSULTANTS The offtece of Kerry Jothen, Al Wak- archuk and Lock Laurte, the Prov- tnetal Industrtal Training Consult- _ants recently htred through Doug- las College, has now been estab- lished at the Rtehmond Campus. The telephone numbers are 273-7471 and 273-8472. Ed Redmond CANCELLATION: JOHN BEARDSLEY’S ROAST Many employees have tndtcated that they would ltke to attend John Beardsley's 'Roast', however at that time of the year they wtll be out of town on vacatton. Therefore, the 'Roast'’ for John has been cancelled and we wtll be advising vta the 'Mad Hatter' as to alternate plans. Bill Morfey FOR SALE Ford Mustang. Approx. 22,000 kil- ometers. For further tnformatton eall Martlyn Smtth Loc. 272 N. W. CAR NEEDED A reltable used car, capable of standing up to at least 50 mt/day of driving on a regular basis, ts urgently needed. Anyone wanting to sell, or having a good referal, please call Trudtianne at 273-5461 or 584-2468. JOB OPPORTUNITIES Northern Lights College: Dorm- ttory Supervisor, Dawson Creek. The successful appltcant wtll pro- vide residential and recreational services to students, prtmartly guidance tin the men's residence; secondartly, eonducting planned evening recreattonal acttvtttes wtll all students. Salary: $1314/month Applteatton forms should be sent to: Offtee of Personnel Services, Northern Lights College, 11401-8th Street, Dawson Creek, B. C. ~ eA, be Northern Lights College: Chatrman, Student Services Diviston. This postition ts responstble for the management of the Student Services Dtvtston, whteh ts comprised of Counselling Residence and Rec- reatton, Bookstore Units. Some counselling may be requtred. Salary. (82,107 toose,87 6/month Applteatton forms should be sent to: Offtee of Personnel Services, Northern Lights College, 11401-8th St., Dawson Creek, B. C. The Mad Hatter ts a D.C. newsletter published bt-monthly during the Summer sesston. Deadline for sub- mtsstons ts Thursday noon. For further tnformatton, contact the Informatton Office at S-255.