IVY NAVY MZISNY SIS EMV Ek aleage tone as Gigucomerkac te Wogan Le eiiion iianeetiamenaiionn a eS Te jae Pe ee ed. ed Oe i Oe: a Ob er, VANE ZINE lala eel el ed coe eh ced —_—_—_—— — as | gl oe had ty Fe ed) PRN RO UN. 7A SA TT ONS EO nN a $s ees emer) (604) 520-5400 700 Royal Avenue, New Westminster, B.C. Mailing Address: P.0. Box 2503, New Westminster, B.C. V3L 5B2 Inside INSIDE March 28, 1989 Issue Joanne Hounsell Performs Awards Night Honours Students “We've grown up. We’ve Karen Maynes: Comptroller Athletic Update 2 3 4 President for a Day 5 Chemistry for Kids & Moms 6 7 7 8 8 Waiting for the Parade © Workshop for Staff: Writing Group Advising Sessions Professional Development 8 twenticth anniversary next year. Bonsai Mole Update 9 | come of age." With the unveiling of a Coming Events 10 Those were the words of "donor wall" following the President Bill Day on the eve- ceremony, the college also made Briefs 10 ning of the first annual Douglas sure it publicly thanked the con- Theft from Autos 41 | College Spring Awards presenta- | tibutors who made the awards possible by donating money to the Douglas College Founda- tion. In its third year of operation, the Foundation seeks to help students in need of finan- tion ceremony where a total of $30 thousand was awarded to more than 100 students. Gresko Reportson Tour 11 Foundation Fair Highlights 12 Day’s comments that Douglas Inside Douglas College is published weekly September through May and bi-weekly June through August by the Douglas College Public Information Office. Submissions are due Tuesday noon for publication the following Tuesday. Submissions are accepted typewritten or on floppy disk in WordPerfect or ASCH format. Material may be edited for brevity and clarity. Tips, scoops and suggestions are always welcome. Please contact the Public Information Office, Rm. 4840, loc. 4805. College had reached maturity ac- knowledged the effectiveness of the Douglas College Foundation and the recently established Alumni Association. "We've closed the loop,” said Day. "Former students are now returning to help out current stu- dents. This is one mark of a mature institution." The college will celebrate its cial assistance achieve their academic goals. The evening received positive reviews all round. Donors got the chance to personally meet with the winners; administra- tors, faculty and Foundation volunteers basked in the warmth of another solid community continued on page 2