—— == S—— ter THE Provincial PUBLISHED BY THE B.C. GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES’ UNION Local 62 certitied The Labor Relations Board ha: “ertified Local 62, BCGEU, as bar 4aining agent for non-teaching em- ployees at New Westminster’s Douglas College. Pat Keenan, Local 62 president, satd the certification covers about 130 clerical, technical and maintenance employees at the college. KKeenan, a maintenance carpenter, said the local will start negotiations on a first contract in February. With Keenan on the local executive are vice-president Tom Rosamond, secretary-treasurer Mary Pat Wasmuth, four members-at-large, Peter Andrusiak, Joyce Chevesky, Marion James, Gray Kyles and om- budsperson Ann Raffle Local 62 is the 11th BCGEU group certified under the B.C. Labor Code, legislation covering labor-manage- ment relations in the private sector. These locals are grouped into the union's General Services Component. Under the Public Service Labor Re- lations Act, the BCGEU is certified as bargaining agent for public service employees belonging to the union’s 13 other components. JANUARY, 1975 PLEASE WATCH FOR FURTHER POSTINGS AS TO THE NEXT GEWERAL MEETING OF LOCAL 62 (VOUGLAS COLLEGE STAFF ASSOCLATION/BCGEU) SS OO os Ee *« kK 4K 2—<$— SS kK So oo