INSIUCIONAI fesOUlCces NOW IS THE TIME TO GET YOUR FAVOURITE COLLECTION OF SUPER ATHLETES names INTER CAMPUS SOFTRALL. ‘LISTS ARE POSTED ON EACH CAMPUS FOR YOU TO ADD YOUR TEAM GROUP TO. OR SUBMIT TEAM NAMES TO: JADINE MURRAY ...Richmond Campus (278-6021) BILL WALKER......New West Campus (524-6814 ) (584-3113) THE SCHEDULE WILL PROBABLY BE LATE AFTERNOON OR EVENING-—-OR, AS YOU COMMONLY DESIRE! FORM YOUR TEAM ON THE BASIS OF Campus, Faculty or ; any other notable cause. ROBIN RYAN.......New West Campus (521-4851 ) Saturday TV HIGHLIGHTS 10:00 @) CBS REPORTS Special: ‘‘The Colleges,"’ a hard-hit- ting essay written and produced by Emmy-winner Andrew Rooney, who visited 54 campuses around the coun- Friday try. His findings are grim: several 10:00 @ REQUIEM FOR THE WORK ETHIC schools have gone bankrupt, others Special: is the work ethic dead? Pre- are on “the critical list.’ Interviews sent attitudes toward: work, the 9-to-5 with administrators and students routine and emerging life styles are probe the reasons for the financial MARCH 29, 1974 topics for international political scien- tists, economists and labor spokes- men. Guests (filmed in North America and Europe) include Canada's Marc Lalonde, Minister of Health and Wel- fare. and John Munro, Minister of La- bor. Architect-philosopher Buckmin- ster Fuller trades views with econo- mist John Kenneth Galbraith, psychol- ogist John Sawatsky and Dr. Edward de Bono, author of “Lateral Think- ing.” B.F. Skinner, author of ‘Walden Two,” talks about work and its rela- tionship to everyday life. (60 min.) Saturday (9) MYSTERIOUS MR. ELIOT—Profile The work of T.S. Eliot is explored through readings, and interviews with his widow, friends and critics. Per- formance highlights: a film of the poet reading from ‘‘The Four Quartets’; Alec McCowen interpreting “Pru- MARCH 30, 1974 plight of small, private colleges and question the academic quality of state-supported universities. The harshest criticisms come from the stu- . dents themselves, who point to over- 2:30 crowded classrooms and infrequent contact with professors outside class. The pitfalls of public financing of uni- versities are also examined. (60 min.) Sunday @ CANADIAN FILMMAKERS An Academy Award nominee “Life Times Nine" is a sensitive look a1 our world as seen through the eyes of children. The film was produced by nine Toronto youngsters. Also: a film about Easter celebrations in an Italian- Canadian community. NATIONAL DREAM 9:00 eo MARCH 31, 1974 The episode opens in 1882 after Van Horne’s con- firmation as general manager of the CPR. His first announcement: an astounding promise to lay 500 miles of track that summer—and have trains Tunning over it by fall. To this end, he is everywhere up and down the line, driving hundreds of workers with drill- like precision across the windy, dusty prairies of cen- tral Canada. frock"; scenes from the 1952 film of Eliot's “Murder in the Cathedral’; ex- cerpts from the play “Sweeney Ago- nistes."' (60 min.)