OU, LET'S ouST Say THAT THIS \ WALLOWEEN I'M GOING TO GIVE THOSE TRICK-OR-TREATERS AN EXTRA SPECIAL "THRILL"! TO DEMONSTRATE, IMAGINE THIS DUMMY {$ YOUR AVERAGE TODDLER OUT FOR A MIGHT OF SCAVENGING SWEETS. YOUR WAY ALONG THE PATH WHEN SUDDENLY, DUST AS YOU REACH THIS TRIP-PLATE, A KMIFE-WIELDING MANIAC LUNGES AT YOU FROM THE BUSHES! Solution = Nloio wlaio «A OWoONrnaAln am BRO ulo = oly nm ow On ola A N[o o = On Al © ~lo oP =oolyo wo alroan oO KR Olo om |= No No =| © Or wo wo rml|on lo AO an 6. He replaced Richard Nixon 10. A Presidential family 12. This many American Presidents have died in office 14. This U.S. political party died out in the 1850's 16. The first U.S. President not to serve in WW2 17. The longest serving American President ever 19. The only President without a political party 20. The current U.S. Vice-President 1. “Honest Abe” was a 2. He took the Oval Office in 1909 3. The first ever U.S. Vice-President 4. The second ever American President 5. The President behind “Star Wars” 7. The only U.S. President with two seperated terms in office 8. Another father and son Oval pair 9. Father and son in the Oval Office 13. An assassinated U.S. President 15. The only U.S. President born out of coninental America 18. This President was named in Die Hard 3 19