UOT EF So, the summer is over, and you’ve saved all your pennies so you can come back to the wonderful world of higher learning. From the tribe down at the OP, welcome! The start of another school year is the end of an epoch for Douglas College. The president of our fine Mother Douglas, Bill Day has strut and fret (mostly strut) upon this stage for nigh on 25 years. Now this school, this institution, this jewel, Douglas College bids its sweet Prince Bill adieu. (Not that we know what a dieu is, but we wish him one anyway...) But our hero doesn’t go gently into that good night. Nope nosireee bob no way no how no way nuh huh. Not if we have anything to say about it, and it just so happens we do. In this, the final issue of the Other Press to deal with Mr. Day, we take the liberty of having some fun with the guy. We would like to say that it is with the utmost respect that we take these final pokes at Bill. On numerous occasions Bill Day has gone to bat for the OP, and has always been supportive of creative eccentrics like us. And for all you’ve done Mr. Day, thanks! For every ending there is a beginning. and so now we begin with our first issue of the new year. newpaper,” which is Latin hnological problems with mpi by students, staff, and faculty alike since 1976. Coincidentally, ther started in 1976, in the OP office. We, the coll f first and foremost is "put out a kickass paper,” The QP: i Canadian University Press. (CUP as we like ta¢all it, i i of things, but the Redged member of a i band. dents who ied rég , heavy on ig. racist, sexist, homophobic, nday mornings, some of ails of delight every time you think you can't read, let us know and we'll ef the Other Press. (People have been ng, Sarah Bird, it, Peter T. Chattaway, ering minstrels in drag advertising & accou! production re editorial resource - Ang lf you're interested in helping w heartily encourage you to come 525-3542. It's the right thi f this publication, we tess office, or phone pave your soul. SILCHt A letter to the Editor Re: Policy concerning signage in the concourse. Policy just recently passed by the management committee last Winter semester states no signage unless otherwise approved by management committee may be posted any longer than a two week period per semester. This policy affects you, your accessibility & acceptability as students & faculty of Douglas College. As a lesbian student at Douglas Collage I am writing to express my anger at the management committee and the lack of response of a few executives of the SS. Two groups of highly paid people who have otherwise hired or elected to protect our right to a safe education at Douglas College. This policy affects two banners in particular Safe Walk program volunteer ad banner and the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual collective banner. Safe Walk & LGBC are two crucial arms of the SS integral to the commitment of personal safety of all at De. The Safer campus committee has passed a motion to apply to Victoria for $25,00 grant to build the much needed kiosk for the Safe Walk program. Safer Campus has received the money and has positive feedback. This leaves the collective in a very precarious position as the continuity and safety of the collective is now greatly jeopardized. Whether gay lesbian heterosexual or bisexual you can access the collective for support in you coming out experience support of being a queer student support in dealing with the trauma of watching your friend accept their difficult sexuality issues or accessing information concerning homophobia, hetrosexism related papers or Gay Lesbian Bi groups. With no safe space except for classrooms that constantly change, our phone number is an only connection to other groups and one another. (The concourse is a high traffic area of DC often the only space where students are not running through to get another class or the one your going to be late for.) Posting signs on bulletin boards is not going to reach enough possible suicidal homosexuals. Signed angry student. Aww, Shucks. You're making us blush To the Other Press Members (no pun intended): In the May ’95 issue, there were a couple of letters that shocked me, namely the oe that addressed your RAC- ISM Issue. The letter-writers I am reffering to basically thought you Pers were sleazy, irresponsible and insensi- _tive. Quelle surprise! The cover was sensational! It achieved its purpose - to attract readers. It got everyone seething with anger or very happy that someone shared their racist views. It got people reading. I do not think you OPers are sleazy (profanity in type is a tad strange but... hey! I can accept it) or destined to be “columnist[s] for anything else ex- cept for the National Enquirer”. Y’all are not responsible. If you were, you would not have bothered to address this serious and age-old problem. Most of all... you are not- insensitive. You OPers presented your case with a bang that created a great deal of controversy but the articles cleared that up. I am, you could say, a Person of Col- september 6, 1995 fifteen minutes give us a shout; drop us a line... for pete's sake do something... our. I have experenced A LOT of rac- ism in the course of my 18 years. Rac- ism is hurtful, ignorant and unneces- sary. I find it hard to believe that peo- ple will hold pigmentation of my skin against me and considerme less Cana- dian than themselves (although I was born here) because of that. I am he sae as anyone else: Asian, East Indian, Na- tive Indian, English, Samoan, German, Australian, Aboriginal, African or oth- erwise... I have a four-chambered heart, a spleen and free radicals coursing through my blood jus like everyone else! I am very glad the OP addressed the issue the wa it did. It was provacative, innovative and controversial. That is what makes a readable, intresting pa- per. And your QUEER Issue was a good one, too. That is another issue that the OP (once again) successfully covered. Just because one prefers a partner of the same gender does not mean one is a deviant or a mutant human being. No one should have to hide their homo- sexuality or heterosexuality. It is not disgusting. Homosexuals are not pedophiles, zoopiles or into bestiality ==> no more than hetrosexuals are any- way. Love is love, great sex is great sex. It is as simple as that. People should give up their puerile notions that GAY- NESS is wrong. It is not; it is perfectly normal. If you are gay and you are hav- ing trouble coming out, as NIKE says “JUST DO IT!” Those who leave you are not worth crying over. You are a wonderful, loving being who just hap- pens to love people of the same sex. So? Go for it! And that is that. Thanks for printing this, N.D.G. No Problem, N. And if you wanna see you're name in print, Write US!