INSIDE DOUGLAS COLLEGE / OCTOBER 16, 1990 Inside Information Graduation Preparations for the upcoming graduation ceremonies have once again begun. The date for our Winter Graduation has been set at January 18, 1991 — not January 17th as previously indicated. Two ceremonies will be held: the first at 1:30 p.m. in the after- noon, and the second at 7:30 p.m. in the evening. This will serve as a reminder to all Directors, Chairs, and Facul- ty members who will be involved in the processional, that, unlike the previous ceremony, it will now be your responsibility to obtain your own hood. If you are unfamiliar with the process in obtaining one, we would suggest that you contact the university you attended. Appointments in the Registrar’s Office ¢ Eleanor Dick — successful can- didate for the full-time position of Orientation/Graduation Clerk. ¢ Joni Hunter — successful can- didate for the full-time position of Registrar’s Receptionist. ¢ Trisha Bird — temporary appoint- ment of Records Clerk during Cheryl Dasovic’s maternity leave. ¢ Judy Thomas — temporary ap- pointment of Registrar’s Receptionist. ¢ Shelley Hay — temporary appoint- ment of Reception/Records Clerk for a six month maternity leave. Thank You Many of you have given your time, energy, ideas and encourage- ment towards organizing the Literacy 2000 conference. We would like to invite you to attend the opening wine and cheese on Thursday, October 18, 7:30 - 10:00 p-m. in the Douglas Room. Please R.S.V.P. (so we don’t run out of wine or cheese!) by leav- ing a voice memo at local 4217. Hope to see you there! Cathy Bissett, Joyce Cameron, Gillies Malnarich Magazine Hunt Please, stop throwing away your magazines or taking them to the recycling centre. I promise I will do it myself after I cut out the pictures we need in MODL for classroom activities. You can put all your magazines in the box by my office (3626) or mail them to the department of Arts and Humanities. My local is 5211. Thank you. Marie-Andree Rivet. Scheduled Absence I will be away from the Col- lege from October 11 to 19 in- clusive. Fran Johnson will be Acting Director in my stead. Joy Holmwood Congratulations To Cheryl Dasovic of the Registrar’s Office and her husband Dean on the arrival of their new baby girl — Danica Lee, weighing 6 lbs. 2 oz. For Sale One pair of KEF 105 Reference Speakers, made in England and updated. $1,200 or best offer. Call Blair Fisher, local 5272. Happy Birthday Yvonne Mostert (left) celebrates her 37th birthday with co-worker Laurie Sadowski. & alee