eo. Writing Skills Course and Labs f3eistance in writing {s available to all students registered in classes in the College. A credit course in Writing Skills is taught twice a semester On all campuses. A new series will begin during the week of March 11 and will last until the end of the semester, This course provides instruction in the organization and developsent of ideas in paragraph sized units, Because ef the olasses sre limited in size, students ere given individual attention, Assistance of another type is available to students on all Campuses through the Writing Referral Labs. An instructor :3 available on each campus for from two to four hours each woux, Students may be referred to ths lets by their instructors who may use the Heferral Slips providei by the English Departme:.t through departmental secretaries, Students may also make aprointments through the counselling receptionist on each Campus. A time table for Writing Heferral Labs may be found On page 26 of the Spring Class Schedule. Instructors ire urged to suggest either of these programs to students in thair classes who need help in writing essays. ts ie AR 3 ARnvrnteâ„¢