LABATT'S $100 SCHOLARSHIP Labatt Breweries of Canada Ltd. are providing annually a $100 assistance to an outstanding student undertaking his or her second year at each of the junior colleges in B.C. the first year are the criteria for selection. Academic and sporting excellence in The recipient at Douglas College will be chosen after careful consideration of grade-point average and excellence of participation in Totem Conference inter- college sport during his or her first year of attendance at the college. Application forms may be obtained at the Physical Education Department or at the Admissions Office on each campus. Applications must be returned to the Physical Education Department by October 10th, 1973. THE PREMIERE SEASON Eugene O'Neill's “THE ICEMAN COMETH" « Harold Pinter's “THE HOMECOMING" + Edward Albee's “A DELICATE BALANCE" Eugene tonesco's RHINOCEROS" + John Osborne's "LUTHER" + Simon Gray's “BUTLEY” Anton Chekhov's "THREE SISTERS" + Kurt Weill and Maxwell Anderson's “LOST IN THE STARS" Nancouver Lougheed Mat! #3 ‘ Park Royal Richmond Square THE ANVERICAN FILM THEATRE COLLEGE GROUP RATE ORDER FORM Please send me matinee subscriptions for my college students and fellow faculty members at the reduced rate of $ 14.40 a person, per eight-performance sub- scription (minimum order: 20). | prefer (check one): ( ) Monday Matinee ( ) Tuesday Matinee Name of Theatre Theatre Code No. *Price includes provincial and local taxes. Note: Seats are unreserved; however, seating is guaranteed for each performance. Enclosed is a check made payable to The American Film Theatre in the amount of $ Name Position School Address Postal code Mail to: Education Department The American Film Theatre 20 Bloor St. W., Torente 5, Ont. 21