day to day life from a dyslexic blogger ‘Thursday, 23 November 2006 Geo-Blog to GPS and fim hoping to ee cone _Pavted by aburt at — — GPS me up for the would-be blogger By Aimee Ouellette | a who’s anyone has a blog. Google statistics, comment notifications, anti-spam measures: these are the topics at the popular table. Do you want to start a blog so that you too may become famous, or rich, or popular? There are two options available to you. Option A is to go back in time to 1996 and start a blog then. If your local WalMart is out of flux capacitors, you might want to try Option B: create a blog of such ‘Worl {ve got Geo- Bing to GPS out the door :~} at the moment E getting documentation done get that by tomorrow at some pont. just to pote you will need CPasabsl to ae | Wednesday, 22 November 2006 One fh mont amor ng geno ps Woh er -clahe ad STea hetw anes sche Oona > “Tuesday, 21 November 2006 Ses focuses on 2 new GOX remota for Blokagin aad bow you can get the geo-dara fram your blog ante your GPS. With in the tutoriat f use GPSRabel in getting your dara across to your cdaelawine (aaninganwiomen aoe cor emt ion mpcemere alnen ones. fool te come across, Geo-Biag to GPS plus your GPS too. | hope your enjoy! Tecoma Tse: Os ts! Maia G2 Ge ests em oe £50 PM in saityare: ‘i's aft good leaning fun, | Tc a sss Nn ea Gea-tlogaing, The updace : sc Sm ne incredible quality that it will rise, like our fishy ancestors, out of the sea of crap called The Blogosphere. The first thing any blog needs is content. This may sound obvious, but if your blog isn’t updated regularly, even people who enjoy it will eventually stop checking back to see if anything new has been written. Develop a consistent schedule for your blog and stick to it. If you miss one of your personal deadlines, don’t post a lame apology—just suck it up and get back on schedule. The second thing a good blog needs is an original angle. Maybe your life is extremely interesting. Maybe you are Shreve Stockton of The Daily Coyote ( and you live in a one-room log cabin in Wyoming where you are raising an orphaned coyote pup. If this is the case, your life is a great blog and all you have to do is write it down. Go for it! Chances are, however, that you’re a Douglas College March 3, 2008 student and that your life consists of writing notes, bus rides, shift work, and more bus rides. If that’s so, you’re going to have to work harder to make your blog content original. In this case, it’s all about the angle you have. Take on a new persona, be creative, and have fun. One of my favourite blogs is entirely fictional and likely written by a totally over-educated student type. It’s called Geoffrey Chaucer Hath A Blog ( and _ it’s premise is this: Geoffrey Chaucer is living in the world right now, blogging about his experiences. The blog is written in a funny version of faux-middle english and deals with news and internet fads with a hilariously tongue-in-cheek medieval perspective. Geeky, sure, but original! It gets the pageviews and sells lots of t-shirts. Always remember that on the internet, no audience is too small. Even if you want to create a blog that will only appeal to people who write Star Trek fanfiction where all the character are animals, the world is a big place, and you'll still have an audience. Just don’t think about that too long or you'll get creeped out. Now that you have your blog, your content, and your angle, all you need to do is to make sure that people can read it. Comment on other blogs, have a blog- roll of links to your favourite blogs or blogs with a similar content as yours, and link to posts by other bloggers that you think are particularly good or relate to your site in some way. Good luck, and happy blogging. Nintendo Wii Free to Play + Free WiFi + Fully Renovated “Discouts for Staff and Students Texas hold'em Poker 57 BLACKIE STREET NEW WESTMINSTER BC P: 604.522.0011 F: 604.522.0544 9