41975 BURNABY NATURE HOUSE 4519 Piper Avenue Burnaby, H. C. Julv 8, 1975 Mr. M. H. Morfey Dourlas College POO. SGX 2505 New Westminster, B. C. Dear Sir, T am writing on behalf of the Burnaby Nature House, First of all, thank vou for vour willingness to assist the B. 0. E. A. At the Burnaby Nature House we have arranged as summer program of workshops and activities desirened to reach different sectors of the local communitv. This summer we are trving to interest local Boy's Clubs, Big Brother's, Outdoor and other vouth groups into includ- ing the Nature Trail as vart of their own programs. Another prime focus of our program is to make the Nature Trail accessible to handicarnped and elderlv persons. Anv assistance vou could give towards makinz the Burnaby Nature House and its nrorrams known to the community would be greatly appreciated. I vou have anv frouvs of neop'e interest in using the Nature Trail we would be rleased to arrange this. Similarly, if anv one vou know wishes to conduct a workshop here we would be able to arrange for thet also. Thanks once again for vour interest. I am enclosing a list of our summer vrorrams. Yours ‘truly, es ‘ i k Ls Leia hog wy Marilvn Worobey Summer Prorram Co-ordinator Burnaby Nature House (294-3010) Cowl.