Mad Hatter Page 8 C. The College organizes a readily accessible, comprehensive set a of learning opportunities. It provides for the student who 15s not intending to move to other institutions and for the student who does use the College as a “stepping stone" to universities, vocational schools, or technical institutes. D. The College provides a wide range of learniny experiences and therefore limits its commitment to any one program or field of learniny activities. Es The College exists to serve its defined reyion and its constituent communities. For that reason, it provides, through its curriculum and facilities, opportunities for the College to be a major community centre for: i. academic and occupational, ii. athletic, jii. cultural, and iv. social activities. Facilities are developed in consultation with local government and community groups. F. The College views the development of a society of self-teachers as the ultimate yoal of organized learning. It therefore works to lessen the dependence of students on the GY College as an institution. SECTION IV: THE DOUGLAS COLLEGE ROLE The essentially residential nature of much of its region, and the number of other specialized institutions, will mean the behaviour of students, and requests of community groups, business, industry, professional associations, and unions will continue to provide much direction to the Colleye. The demand for Academic Studies continues to be strong, supporting the “access" feature of the community colleye for a larye, generally working class reyion, and a population for whom part-time, low cost studies continues to be an important educational option. The reyion has a larye number of provincial and municipal health and social service institutions, as well as a yrowing number of elderly persons and persons on some form of social assistance. This Supports a continued nigh profile in the area of social services and health care services, The service and commercial nature of the reyion indicates a continuing and yrowing involvement in business and bDusiness- related proyrams,