DOUGLAS COLLEGE ARCHIVES Mad Hatter Page 5 A further very exciting development is that the College will shortly be the recipient of a gift from a lower mainland company of two computers, together with some associated hardware. This will allow us at very modest cost to provide a fully adequate computer system for our instructional programs in data processing and computer science. This will provide a welcome reduction in pressure on our limited Capital and Operating Bud- gets, and will provide an excellent example of co-operative relationships between the business and educational communities. We will be proposing suitable acknowledgment of the gift by the Board in due course. It is hoped that the entire system will be up and running by the end of May and well in ad- vance of the implementation of our Computer Science Program in September. I understand the system will be capable of handling up to sixty-four terminals - enough to satisfy foreseen needs for the next several years, C. INTERNAL MATTERS - EDUCATION DEVELOPMENT The Education Policy and Planning Committee met in January, and approved a revised pol- icy on text book costs. A workshop will be held shortly to review work done by the Management Committee on criteria for the ranking of Budget Decision Units. On January 28, I attended a meeting with the District Superintendent and his staff in Maple Ridge, to discuss co-operative future activities with Maple Ridge School District. The work is continuing at an accelerating pace on the Strategic Plan. Mr. Redmond is chairing meetings of myself, the Bursar and the Deans every Tuesday afternoon. I re- commend to the Board that a special workshop be held at which time we could provide in- formation to the Board on work done to date, and obtain guidance regarding basic assump- tions underlying the plan. D. INTERNAL MATTERS - LABOUR RELATIONS I regret to inform the Board that Mr. Cal Barber, Personnel Officer, has left the Col- lege at the end of January, for a new job with the Health Labour Relations Association. ‘finds itself. aT ai 7 We wish Mr. Barber well, and will miss him. Negotiations are continuing with the B.C. Government Employees’ Union, and have not yet commenced with the Douglas/Kwantlen Faculty Association, A first meeting has been held with the Douglas College Labour Management Committee This Committee formerly met as a combined committee with Douglas and Kwantlen Col- | leges. This Committee allows matters of | mutual concern to be discussed and resolved in an informal environment. At the first meeting, agreement was reached regarding the procedures by which variance from the days of leave without pay could be obtained, E. INTERNAL MATTERS - GENERAL As a result of the nearing completion of the building, the Furnishings and Equipment Sub-committee of the Project Development Committee has dissolved - its task complete, The responsibility formerly discharged by that committee will now be assumed by Mr. West Graydon - Director of Physical Plant and Site Services. Because of the large number of uncertain- ties facing the College, and the compli- cated nature of planning activities in which we are currently engaged, I made a presentation to all interested College em- ployees this afternoon regarding the cur- . rent environment in which Douglas College | Royal Visit The following is an excerpt from a letter addressed to Bill Day from the Police De- partment, City of New Westminster, notify- ing the College of the street closures which will be in effect during the Queen's visit on March 10. Royal Avenue between 8th Street and 4th Street will be closed to traffic in both easterly and westerly directions between the hours of 3:45 p.m. and approximately Sets pa.