Documentary Puts fox News under the Microscope Tracey Lindeman-Jarvis, CUP Arts Bureau Chief channe\ os ae ae. Ae ae BOY a We report. MONTREAL (CUP)—A high-school teacher of mine used to say, “Believe half of what you see, and nothing of what you hear.” Perhaps she had Fox News in mind. When the Fox News Channel was found- ed in 1996, its newly appointed CEO and chair, Roger Ailes, claimed to have the best of intentions. “We'd like to be premiere journalists. We’d like to restore objectivity where we find it lacking,’ said the renowned Republican at a 1996 press conference. “We just expect to do fine, balanced jour- nalism.” However, director and producer Robert Greenwald finds this very notion laughable, and has gone to great lengths to disprove Fox News and its “Fair and Balanced” slogan with his new documen- I BAF, oe Bo We decide. tary, Outfoxed: Rupert Murdochs War on Journalism. From Walter Cronkite to Al Franken, Greenwald has rallied a veritable who’s who of former Fox News employees, journalists, and media analysts to, in effect, say the same thing: Rupert Murdoch is an evil, corrupt, right-wing opportunist and Fox News is his bastard child with the Republican party. And while some, if not all of it, may be true, Ox/foxed is not the bastion of fair- ness and balance, either. A timeline of Murdoch’s acquisitions and list of his media assets are splashed across the screen in true PowerPoint fash- ion. However, the list is quite distorted: it pegs his assets at 100 cable channels, 175 newspapers, 40 book imprints, and 40 tel- evision stations, among other properties. And while Murdoch, as the CEO and chair of the News Corp. media conglom- erate, is most definitely a media mogul, Outfoxed presents the numbers as direct corporate ownership. When the film says Murdoch owns 40 book imprints, it neglects to say he owns only a couple of publishing houses—one of them being HarperCollins, an umbrel- la corporation under which about 40 smaller publishers and presses operate. Ouifoxeds claims are not false, but they’re also not exactly true, which is a little mis- leading and leaves the impression of grasping at straws. Aside from its faults and an acute case of talking-head syndrome, Ouffoxed is nonetheless an interesting documentary. Greenwald’s small production team, with the help of some members, recorded and watched Fox News 24 hours a day, seven days a week for months to find incidents of fear-mongering, com- mentary “disguised” as news, and shouting matches between hosts and guests. The documentary takes a leftist look at a conservative media network, ensuring that there will be numerous clashes of opinion. However, while some of the tes- timony is just stating the obvious, some of it is hard to ignore. A former producer for a Washington, DC, Fox affiliate in the late 80s and early 90s (a few short years after Murdoch pur- chased Fox TV in 1985), Frank O’Donnell recounts an incident where the news team was ordered to cut away from their newscast to air a “fawning tribute to Ronald Reagan.” “We were stunned because, up until that point, we were allowed to do legiti- mate news,” O’Donnell said. “And suddenly we were ordered from the top to...carry Republican, right-wing propa- ganda.” In addition, Oxifoxed reveals the Fox News Channel team would receive daily memos from senior vice-president John Moody, outlining what would be men- tioned and what would be ignored in the day’s news. “T’ve never heard of any other net- work nor any other legitimate news organization doing that,’ said famous anchor Walter Cronkite of the memos. “Newspaper or broadcast.” While it is very easy to demonize Fox for its questionable content and validity, it has set a trend in the way television news is now being served to the public on other networks. “You cannot outfox Fox. But MSNBC and the others have tried,’ said Jeff Cohen, a former Fox News Channel expert, media and political commentator, and founder of Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting. “Since the corporate owner- ship of the other channels does not allow anyone to counter-program against Fox, you know, in television, the inclination is imitation.” an5 erm, it's advertise with us! we're easier than we look. than it looks. contact Ivan Reygadas easier There are so many things I'd like to advertise in the other press! Talk is cheap, baby... the other press January §=19/2008