iw am l Kali Thurber, A&E Editor Walk around the city with a giant sign on your chest that reads, “I’m participating in Buy Nothing Day. Please buy me things.” You never know, you might get some suck- ers who think they’re supporting anti-consumerism by supporting you. Go searching for found art. You won't have to go very far, there’s probably some trash,..um I mean art, right outside your door. Go for a long walk through Stanley Park and don’t pay attention to the signs. Why? Because it’s a free adventure, stupid. Recruit a few friends to dress up like zom- bies with you, and roam around the malls mocking the non-participating shoppers (Adbusters idea, not mine). Play the Blood and Guts version of Risk. It’s the same classic board game, but when one of your armies attacks another playet’s, you actually beat the shit out of each other. Whoever wins the fistfight wins the country. There ate obvious drawbacks to this version, but at least this way instead of making snide political comments when your “ally” breaks into your entire continent, you can just give him a good shot in the head. Do the Grouse Grind. It might just kill you when you reach the top and realize that you could have driven there, but you'll have enough smoggy air in your lungs to last you a lifetime, so at least you can say “I did the Grouse Grind,” and you never have to suffer through it again. Create your own revolutionary theme day (if those pompous jerks at Adbusters can do it, so can you). Go through your high-school yearbook and make up elaborate stories about what your ex-classmates are doing now. (Example: “Tina Glover gained 150lbs and is still working at KFC with her kleptomaniac brother/lover.”) Then phone them up and find out how many failed lives you got right. Sit completely still, while staring at yourself in a mirror for several hours. Sooner or later, you'll go crazy (that’s still free, isn’t it?). Forget about the state of the world, Buy Nothing Day, and anything else you're sup- posed to care about, and go out on the town (I hear nothing tastes better on Buy Nothing Day than caviar and Crystal). november = a/a0ou