INSIDE DOUGLAS COLLEGE / FEBRUARY 6, 1990 Briefs Heart Fund A volunteer canvasser for the Heart Fund would be delighted to receive your donation over the next two weeks. Tax receipts will be provided, of course. To make your donation, call Murray Leslie in the Business Department, Room 4319, Local 5456. Challenge ’90 Last summer, a total of 6 projects were funded and 21 stu- dents were hired under the CHAL- LENGE ’89 program at Douglas College. The projects were very successful, and provided an oppor- tunity for career-related employ- ment to students. We are hopeful this program will continue in 1990, with similar guidelines. The dead- line for applications will be ap- proximately the beginning of March, 1990. Interested faculty or staff are encouraged to plan pos- sible projects now. An an- nouncement will be made in Inside Douglas College, as soon as any addi- tional information or applications are available. Student Library Orientation Spring 1990 All instructors are invited to bring their classes to the library for library orientation. Booking forms have been distibuted via the departmental assistants, or book- ings may be made by phone to Jac- quie Ticknor, Library Orientation Assistant, at local 5198. The orienta- tion session normally takes one hour, and consists of a short intro- duction to the library by a librarian and the completion of a self-paced assignment — the Library Lab — by the students. The assignments are marked and returned to the in- structor for return to the students. It is appreciated if the instruc- tor accompanies the students to the Library. If there are any questions or special requests, please contact Jean Cockburn, Orientation Librarian, at local 5184. Husband, father. Douglas College Math instructor. + A strong believer in the power of positive thinking, Al Harms’ philosophy is “give me students who want i will." Al Harms — one of the many people at Douglas College who is making a difference in our community. douglas college DOUGLAS COLLEGE..... PEOPLE MAKING A DIFFERENCE AL HARMS, B.Sc. Eng., P. Eng to learn, and they -