DOUGLAS COL LEGE ARCHIVES ‘ Ly i, “4 Faculty and administrators at Douglas College are happy with the terms of a proposed | collective agreement that should end 27 months of negotiations. Tentative agreement was reached by the director of personnel, Robert Sawka and Len 7 d a E | "1m plenced: ‘to say That: ‘throughout the process neither side oat repsect for the a | other, and while we came close oS a breakdown, things never comp tely col lapsed, ' M | Sawka said. ™ a | } | The proposed four year contract wi WW I alee: facu Ity a two and a half per cent salary. : oy increase in the second GET a $500 Jump sum payment in the third, and guarantees” of ‘ ft no layoffs for full-time instructors until at least next. spring. aa | Contract faculty, who are not included in the no ea By wi i see no changes. he = Ah th +heir status, Mil es said. 7 ‘| | Mn | "We! ve “made no great gains, But we! re not suffering any saberant ie) losses either," A Mi Nis said. "I'm just glad that both the administration and faculty association ; were finally able to come to an agreement." Contract talks appeared to be in trouble earlier this year; however, informal — 7 oS later in the year seemed to smooth out the process, Millis said. | While some col leges across the province radaived betber contracts, feb haat Douglas