INSIDE DOUGLAS COLLEGE / MAY 1, 1990 National research on employer-supported child care to be released at June symposium A major challenge facing employers in the workplace will be addressed when the results of a joint University of B.C. and Douglas College research project into employer-supported childcare are released at a provincial sym- posium in Vancouver on June 20th. The research project was in- itiated in September, 1988, and is funded by Health and Welfare Canada’s Child Care Initiatives Fund. Results of the study indicate that companies are interested in participating in the child care needs of employees, says Carol Ebner, Douglas College faculty member and project researcher. Elva Reid, project research co- ordinator, says the study is bridg- ing gaps between the world of business and the world of child care. "The research was done in the business community, and that’s where we are presenting the results,” she says. "There is a willingness to im- plement child care benefits on be- half of employees, but a lack of guidelines and knowledge about the impact of such policies have discouraged businesses from in- itiating them,” says Reid. The all-day symposium at the U.B.C. Child Study Centre features a keynote speech by John Heldrich, Vice President of Ad- ministration for Johnson & Johnson's world-wide family of companies. Heldrich will discuss "The Significance of Work/ Family Initiatives in Corporate North A AA A RIA LT ATAU SERB RP 5 SRR TA BET YRS EN ING STM RE SOE TN RPA SS, NER Popove elected College Board Chair At the inaugural 1990/91 College Board meeting in April, Mrs. Myrna Popove was elected to the position of Chairman of the Douglas College Board, replacing Dr. Pauline Hughes whose term as Chairman had expired. Mrs. Popove, a resident of Coquitlam, has been a Board member since 1986, and since 1988 has served as Vice-Chairman. Mr. Richard Bell, also from Coquitlam and a Board member since 1987, was elected as Vice-Chairman. Further information will be forthcoming regarding Board appoint- ments to the various committees. New appointment to Board During the past month the College has welcomed a new appoint. ment, Mrs. Karin F.L. Henderson, to the College Board. Mrs. Henderson, a resident of Maple Ridge, B.C., is a Registered Nurse and is currently the Manager of the Central Supply Departinc: Maple Ridge Hospital. In addition to receiving a post graduate diploma in Operating Room Nursing, Mrs. Henderson has served on Advisor) Committees at B.C.1.T., instructed in the Central Supply Aide courses at Vancouver Community College, and has done contract work for Health and Welfare Canada on Operating Room Staffing Methodology. Mrs. Henderson adds a dimension to the College Board, especially in the Health field where Douglas College is currently recognized as having excellent quality programs. Welcome to Douglas College . @ America." Plenary presentations will be given by Dr. Arthur Emlea, Profes- sor Emeritus, Portland State University, Portland, Oregon, and Dr. Sandra Burud, President, Burud Associates of Pasadena, California. Dr. Glen Dixon, director of the U.B.C. Child Study Centre and one of the co-investigators of the re- search project, says the sym- posium ‘“offers-a rare opportunity for business people and other groups to exchange ideas and learn about the advantages and methods of having employer-sup- ported child care programs." Dixon says projected skill shortages for the 1990’s mean the attraction and retention of key employees is becoming a priority for most companies. Research conducted in the United States shows that busi- nesses with employer-supported child care programs are better able to compete for the services of skilled employees, resulting in bet- ter productivity and other benefits, adds Ebner. The symposium will be valu- able to employers, researchers, women’s groups, early childhood educators, government and union representatives, and anyone who is interested in learning about the needs, options and benefits of employer-supported child care. "It’s not an academic exercise," says Ebner. "Our guests are in- fluential leaders in the corporate world.” The registration fee for the symposium is $350. For further in- formation call 527-5127 or 527- 5479. To register call 527-5472. @ ie a ae