~ VANCOUVER COMMUNITY COLLEGE COMMUNITY EDUCATION SERVICES Ce. TELEPHONE TELEPHONE LLANGARA 324-5323 324-5323 100 West 49th. Ave. COMMUNITY EDUCATION SERVICES presents ... A Special Tuesday Night Institute Speaker: Dr. Lawrence A. Boland, Associate Professor, Department of Economics, Simon Fraser University Audience: All Faculty, Academic Advisors and Administrators interested in Education Topic: "Education and The Universities” xk kk "The Universities today are dominated by the Academic professions which means that too often university students are being trained to be university teachers whether they want to be or not. The student who is only seeking an education is probably not getting his/her money's worth. Are today's community college students being subjected to a pale imitation of the worse aspects of a university education? Are our courses designed for the benefit of the teachers or the students? We like to think that they are designed for the benefit of the students who choose to attend but is the student-customer always right?" kk * DATE: November 12, 1974 TIME: 7:30 P.M. PLACE: Room A136 /7.