aoa SST Yates eens \\ flewsnaners M ed¥iiat subscript tons y" sent = a NO. OF SUB'S suapay Tee (WITH joo. MABARTNE) | 8 . SCRRM- ELTA MESSENGER i. -.3 SURREY L le# S THE. TIVES: I oN 7 zDU@ATIONAL URPLEMENT + me i dros LITERARY SUPPLEMENT 1 5S Speco STAR ee 4 UVER SUN 3 "SW eR TE ROCK SUN ivcs i ite MICROFILM HOLDINGS but CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR | 4 Mar.-Apr. 1965/Jan3 -Dec 30 1972 “ COLUMBIAN . | Pa Sept 1899-Oct 1934/Jan 1935-Dec 1945/ | . May 1946-Oct 1952/Dee 1952- Feb. 1974 FINANCIAL POST Jan 1960-Dec’ 1972 GLOBE AND MAIL ; ‘. “1849-June 1 1923/ July 2 1923 - Feb 1927 ‘| MANCHESTER GUARDIAN WEEKLY ; . Jan 1966-Dec 1966/Jan 1968-Dec 1971 | | PROVINCE 1 Mar 1894-Jan 1913/Mar 1913-Dec 1945/ Feb 1946-Feb 1974 VANCOUVER SUN Jan 1965-Oct 1966/ Dec 1966-Feb 1974 tere 9090000900090 09900000099009090900909900 ea noneess — oo s Lo Voie Gi Ui bie @ é 7 ares eu iw trips (SLU ar non ae he bat Nat OD ew ier oN Rm Ne Ne ae Ye ere St aed EDMONTON (CP) — The business community has to undergo fundamental changes in attitude if it wants to hang on io its secretaries and keep offices functioning smoothly, says Dr. Stephen Kashuia. Dr. Kashuba, chairman of the secretarial sciences de- pariment at Grant MacEwan Community College, said if the business community doesn’t “clean up its act, the secretary as we know her today will become extinct. “She’s already a vanishing breed.” His warning seems to be backed up by the fact that Canada Manpower, in one re- cent day, listed 245 secretarial vacancies in ‘the Edmonton area. Dr. Kashuba suggested one change that might boost the morale of secretarial workers is a revision of job titles. Even the lowest-paid clerk- iovid be relerred to us an “adininistrative assistant,” said, adding this is not just a gimmick. ‘taries, “As long as we continus to categorize pcople as secre- clerk-typists, mail clerks,’ filing clerks, sienogra- phers, ‘there is no way we can escape the attitude of servi- tude we have toward secretar- ial staff.” A filing clerk should be called a “‘records and systems manager; » use of the word “manager” connotes authori- ty and responsibility and pro- duces a_ positive response from the employee.” “The secretary is the life- blocd of the firm. She makes it go.” The question of salary is of basic importance. “ got a call from an ac- counting firm that wanted a girl for a secretarial posi- tion,” Dr. Kashuba said. “We always talk to these people about salaries and I told this _ fellow the girl should be paid nothing less than $400 a month. “When he said’ he coyldn’t pay her that, I ask him why, and he said: ‘My wife hes been here 20 years and she only gets $320.’ ” That kind of situation is a prime factor contributing to the city’s shortage of secre- tarial employees, he said. Oh ee