News Calling all female artists Art show space available The Vancouver Women’s Health Collective is making its space available to women artists. Shows will run for four to six weeks under contract guidelines. The Collective will host an opening and provide some advertising as well as hanging materials. They look forward to hearing from all interested women. News from the Douglas College Foundation Donor Wall at the David Lam Campus The “Contributing to Excel- lence” campaign will come to a close with an event sched- uled for February 18 at the David Lam Campus. At 11am, the first ceremony will officially open the ELF 2 Lab (Electronic Library Facility) to recognize CIBC’s contribution that helped make the lab possible. At 12 noon, the second ceremony will be the unveil- ing of the Donor Wall at the campus. Mr. Milton Wong will be the master of ceremonies and Dr. David Lam will be present. New endowment There has been a new endowment created in the memory of Maurice Hodgson, a long time faculty member Workshops Computing skills workshops Sponsored by Systems and Computing Knowledge of Microsoft Windows and the ability to use a mouse are the prerequi- sites for these programs. Note: Please bring a for- matted 312 inch floppy diskette to all workshops. WordPerfect 6.1/7 Part 1 Tuesday, February 9, 10-12 noon, Room 2214, New Westminster campus This is the first session of a two-part workshop. Note: You must attend both parts of this workshop. Part two is scheduled for Tuesday, February 16, 10-12 noon. Word 97 Intro Part 1 Wednesday, February 10, 2- 4pm, Room 2223, New Westminster campus This is the first session of a two-part workshop. Note: You must attend both parts of this workshop. Part two is scheduled for Wednesday, February 17, 2-4pm. There is no charge for these computing workshops. Natural Health Clinics and Spir- itual Healing The healing clinics are offered on a first-come first-served basis, and the cost is a suggested donation of $20 per half-hour. One hour is often required for the first visit. All sessions are held in room 1303, New Westminster campus. Tuesdays, 12-6pm, Herbs and Qigong with Don Rost Tuesdays, 6-9pm, Reiki with Stirling Sexton Wednesdays, 12-6pm, Per- sonal Stress Management with Stephanie James Fridays, 12-6pm, Reflexology with Yvette Eastman Spiritual Healing Clinics Drop into the Healing Clinic and receive a 15 minute aura healing. The cost is by donation. First and third Fridays of each month, 6-7pm, Boardroom (4920) New Westminster campus. For information contact: Christine Campbell or Tamara | Flick-Parker at 736-4234, Vancouver Women’s Health Information Centre, 219-1675 West 8 Ave., Vancouver, BC V6J 1V2 in the creative writing department. Maurice was a highly respected instructor and colleague and will be greatly missed in the college community. Donations are still coming in for this fund. Letter Susan Witter in dialogue; A vision for Douglas Col- lege BC's post-secondary system has changed significantly in the last five years with the emergence of univer- sity colleges, two new universities and the increasingly complex array of non-public, education “providers.” Student access, transferability and articula- tion agreements are critical elements in this changing President's Forum learning landscape of high student mobility. How do we balance these influences with other important factors such as teaching excellence, student success, and vhe open door policy of community colleges? What is Douglas College’s unique role as a large urban college within the BC post-secondary system? Bring your ideas and join President Susan Witter in a dialogue about a vision for the future of our college. Wednesday, February 10, 4-6pm, Room 1630/ 1640 New Westminster Campus Response to “The contest that wasn't’ and “What ATM Machine” On behalf of the Douglas Students’ Union I apologize for any confusion surround- ing the logo and naming contests that we held last semester. The confusion that occurred is a perfect example of what we have all been learning and improving on since taking office in Septem- ber: Communication skills are essential. For any of our members who received incorrect information our heartfelt apologies. We have been incredibly busy the last few months with the opening of a used bookstore and kiosk and soon to be pub. We will be meeting shortly to make a decision regarding the contest and will be contact- ing both the Other Press and the contestants to let them know the decision. In regards to the lack of an ATM machine at the David Lam Campus, there are a few issues to be discussed. First, although the students’ union has been looking into the possibility of a bank machine, this is a college responsibility not ours. Secondly, Michael Cox was quite right when he wrote that the first and second VP David Lam prom- ised a bank machine on campus. Unfortunately, neither candidate believed the students’ union's claim that this was not an easy task and may be an impossibility. We fully understand the frustration and hassle of not having a bank machine on campus. For this reason, when we recently moved to a different bank one of our priority questions was “would you be willing to put an ATM machine on the David Lam Campus?” New Westminster Credit and Savings said they would definitely look into the possibilities. However, some of the road blocks that we will have to overcome are that the campus is sitting at half capacity and open only 8 months of the year. A bank would lose money on such a venture. Rest assured that your students’ union is cooking up some good strategies for selling the idea to the bank and getting a bank machine - at David Lam is one of our priorities. If you would like any more information on the ATM machine at the David Lam Campus contact Darryl Flasch DSU Treasurer at 527-5114. If you would like any more information on the contest contact Amanda Wheeler DSU VP External at 527-5113. Amanda Wheeler Vice President External BY-ELECTION FOR A STUDENT REPRESENTATIVE TO EDUCATION COUNCIL A By-election will take place to elect 1 representative for the New Westminster campus to the Education Council. The by-election will take place on February 9, 1999. Polling stations will be available at New Westminster only. The polls will be open from 9:30 am to 7:00 pm on Tuesday ‘| February 9, 1999. WHO IS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE? Students who are taking 50% or more of their courses at the New Westminster campus are eligible to vote in this by-election. The by-election is being held to fill a vacancy and the term of office will run until August 1999. Student’s eligibility is determined by the registration in courses as shown on the Douglas College Student Information System. If you have questions concerning the by-election, please contact the Registrar at 527-5358. the Other Press February 3 1999 3