April 8, 1980 Ittawa[CUP]— Two Chinese-Canadian groups have registered their dissatisfaction with the recent CTV W5 apol- ogy, although the producer says the statement was issued in good faith. ““We do not condider the token gesture of CTV any- where near a sincere and honest response to the pub- lic condemnation against W5’s ‘Campus Giveaway’ show.”’ © With those words the Montreal branch of the Ad Hoc Committee Against W5 served: notice that it would continue its attack on the television network for airing a program on inter- national students that has been termed inaccurate and racist. And Dr. Donald Chu, president of the Council of Chinese Canadians in On- tario(CClO) said CTV did not address the objections to the program and wants an apology ‘‘more directed to the issue’’. Both groups were react- Toronto[CUP]— Many developing black nations are turning to com- munist countries for sup- port but that does not mean that they are communist in ideology, according to Timothy Jenkins,.a white anti-apartheid activist from South Africa. Jenkins make the state- ment at a recent speaking engagement at the Univers- ity of Guelph. He said that the West supports apartheid in South Africa through its ~multi- national corporate. invest- ments which sustain the racist government of South Africa. liberation movements are forced into the communist camp to garner support for their struggles. Jenkin said that ‘‘we’ll take arms from anyone, but that doesn’t make us com- munists.’’ But he openly acknowledged that the brunt-of the weapons used by his organization—the ANC—the African National Congress do indeed come from the Soviet Union. Jenkins was arrested in March. './6, for belonging to, and promoting the ANC, a banned organization. He was sentenced to 12 years in prison for: his non-violent activities and As a consequence, black © VV5 gets shaft ing to a statement of regret, aired by W5 on March 16, which said the program ‘sincerely regrets any of- fense that may have been unintentionally given to the Chinese-Canadian- com- munity.’” Chu said W5 host Helen Hutchinson’s statement was. ‘‘misdirected at the statistics and the universi- ties. The statement did not apologize for calling us foreign.’’ “CTV has tried to defuse the importance of an apol- ogy by not contacting us before airing the mess- age,’’ he said. Siukeong Lee, Montreal co-ordinator of the ad hoc comittee, said the W5 statement was not a real apology and did not satisfy the group at all. ““After having clearly in- sulted all Chinese- Canadians, CTV now wants to walk away by gently regretting the offense that may have been given, and says it is unintentional,’’ Lee said in an _ official had served 18 months of the sentence before he escaped with two other white political prisoners in December, 1979. The ANC was banned by theSouth Aftrican govern- ment in 1960, in the climate of fear that the Sharpeville ‘shooting of March 21, 1960, fermented. At Sharpville, the police shot indiscriminately, with automatic weapons, into an unarmed African crowd of peaceful demonstrators in- cluding women and child- ren. According to official fig- ures, 67 persons were killed and 186 were wounded. Of these victims, 155 were shot in the back while fleeing. As a consequence the ANC became an_ under- ground organization whose strategy became armed struggle and violence. Jenkins said that ‘‘for blacks there is no legal or constitutional way to fight apartheid’’. Blacks are not allowed to vote in elections, nor are they permitted to organize any political parties. Although North Ameri- cans find it difficult to . condone violence, he said that ‘‘there are no legal ways to change and so the choice is submit or fight.’’ response to the statement. “We say this is neither honest nor fair. CTV must face the issues, admit all mistakes,. apologize and compensate.’’ : But Lionel -Lumb, W5 producer, said the state- ment was ‘‘put out in good faith’’. Blacks turning Red Jenkins became involved with the ANC after soci- ology courses in the uni- versity lead him to the con- clusion that South African society was ‘‘unnatural’’, because it didn’t adhere tc sociological premises that other societies follow. Jenkins said that not all of the ANC’s activities are violent in nature. They have also estab- lished a school in Tanzania for young black South African refugees who fled their country by the hun- dreds after the Soweto up- rising in 1976. The school’ provides ed- ucation, clothing and food on a 600 acre site donated by the Tanzanian govern- ment. He appealed for funds for the school, which is seek- ing $10 million by 1984. ~ ge po v ‘‘The statement was- the front page of a news- paper’’. ‘‘We didn’t bury it,” he added. ‘‘We said it right up front where we have the majority of view- ers.”’ “There is no room for doubt. The statement ex- pressed sincere regret,’’ Lumb said. page three ‘Subjects are required for a Psychology 400 experiment Those who sign up, inthe social sciences lab in the 300 building, should have no previous experience with either self-hypnosis or self- relaxation training. Thanks for. your Cooperation. ro Let’s go see “Ah,Wilderness!” It’s a Douglas College production using real live DC students It plays April 16 to 20 at the -James Cowan Theatre Information 683-5073 |