EXPORTS BUILD CANADA EXPORTER, CA RAPPORTE NEWS RELEASE VANCOUVER, B.C. --- Canada Export Trade Month in the Province of British Columbia will be launched with an International Trade Careers Seminar on Thursday, October 1, 1987. University and college students considering careers with an international orientation are invited to attend the seminar which will take place from 9:00 A.M. to 12:30 P.M. at the Discovery Theatre at the B.C. Enterprise Centre (at the former Plaza of Nations site on the Expo orounds). Academic, industry and government representatives will be participating in two panels focusing on international career development in the manufacturing and service industry sectors. The intent of the seminar is to provide students with a better understanding not only of job opportunities that will arise as Vancouver continues to develop as a Pacific Centre for Trade, Travel and Commerce, but also of the importance of exports to the Canadian economy and the Canadian standard of living. According to Ray Anderson, the President of the Asia Pacific Foundation, who will chair the session,"Building bridges between nations, between different interest groups, and between generations has been central to my own career in the foreign service of Canada and with the Asia Pacific Foundation. I view the International Trade Careers Seminar as a further - step in bridging the hopes and aspirations of the young people of today to the career opportunities of the future." Admission to the seminar is free. A coffee break will enable students to meet briefly with panel members for informal discussions. The International Trade Careers Seminar is co-sponsored by the Department of External Affairs and the Vancouver office of the Department of Regional Industrial Expansion. It is supported by other federal and provincial government departments, by the private sector, and by lower mainland colleges and universities. "Exports Build Canada," but the continuing growth of exports requires a solid base. That base will only be as strong as those individuals who will "build new bridges in the future." =36 = For further information contact Peter Zalite, Manager, Trade Development, Department of Regional Industrial Expansion, Vancouver at 661-2262.