$B | May 24, 1988 The Mad Hatter | A Douglas College Newslette DIGGING UP THE PAST hirty students from four area colleges will spend the next six weeks participating in an ar- chaeological dig at Fort Langley. The Archaeological Field School is the first joint venture of this type for Vancouver Community College - Langara Campus, Douglas College, Capilano Col- lege and Fraser Valley College. Not only will the dig provide the students with practical ex- perience and an opportunity to carn up to six credits, it will also assist Parks Canada in carrying out its management plan for the Fort. Plans are underway to reconstruct some of the buildings that stood on the site in the mid- 1800's. (The Fort was partially reconstructed for the province's centennial.) Prior to construction, however, the area must be ex- amined to determine the precise location and dimensions of the original buildings, information about the structural features, and the original date of occupancy. As well, the excavation may produce some associated artifacts of the period. Stan Copp, Chairman of Langara’s Anthropology Depart- ment, spearheads the field school, in co-operation with instructors from the other colleges. Reprinted from VCC Bulletin BREAK A LEG, DIANE! O talented, charming (& beloved) director, Diane Loomer, gave new meaning the this old theatrical phrase to initiate The Amabilis Singers’ Annual Spring Concert at Douglas College on April 20. While making her entrance to welcoming applause, she had to negotiate her way upstage to a grand piano. Faulty piano placement (too close to the stage’s edge), deficient lighting (all on the director - none on the stage) and showmanship (always look up at your audience, not down at your music) combined to produce a missed step followed by a 4-foot plummet into the orchestra pit and a single knee landing. While the audience gasped and the choir held its breath, Diane gathered herself from the darkened pit, reappeared in the footlights, and limped her way to center stage, with knee bleeding, pupils dilated, and mind on automatic pilot, she managed to wing her way through the opening ‘Coronation Anthem’ by Handel. Needless to say, she had no problem keeping the audience’s attention throughout the remainder of the show. The program featured Ellen Silverman and Barrie Barrington in Saint- Saen’s Carnival of the Animals, The Amabilis Singers, The Douglas College Youth Choir, and the Halcyon Chorale, plus an oboe, euphonium, and even a dancing bear. Despite the variety of talent the ‘hit’ of the show was the acrobat in the first act. submitted by: Corresponding Secretary, Amabilis Singers, Douglas College INVITATION TO SPRING 1988 GRADUATION CEREMONY Sa Ceo ee Everyone is cordially invited to attend the Spring 1988 Graduation Ceremony to be held in the Gymnasium on Thursday, June 9, 1988 at 1930 hours (7:30 p.m.). Faculty and staff are requested to meet in the South Building, 2nd floor, Staff Lounge at 1900 hours (7:00 p.m.) to be in the processional. Asmall reception, honouring the graduates, will be held in the Upper Cafeteria at the end of the program. This reception is hosted by the Student Society. age ee Ce a